Book 1: East London Part 1

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Your in your red dress with a blanket under one arm and a book in the other. Its a beautiful sunny morning in East London and your on your way to a restful quiet day at London Fields. You've had a shitty week at the office and all you want is a day of relaxation. You have arrived at the park you expand your horizons for a good spot to make your own. You've laid your blanket out on a nice empty spot of grass and now you sit yourself down. Grabbing your purse you pull out your suntan lotion and you begin to rub it on your arms, legs and chest but just as you get it on your back you realize you can't quite reach. You turn your head from side to side trying so hard to reach that area of your back because, you cant stand to have your delicate skin burn. You growl in frustration and wonder why all these people around you won't stop or even look to help. Just as your about to give up and go home you feel a dark shadow above you, "Miss may I help you with that".

Finally you think to yourself someone to help you out. You turn your head to thank the person but you are speechless in your tracks because standing in front of you is a tall handsome stranger.He's shirtless, in a pair of army designed cargo pants, his body is well built, his arm biceps quite well showed as if he takes working out quite seriously. Your eyes wonder to his face quite well framed you think to yourself. He has well strong cheekbones. A well fitted perfect nose, You are very fixed on his lips they are the most set of perfect lips that you have ever seen. Small mountain shaped on top and long and slender at the bottom. You image for a minute what those lips would feel kissing down your neckline to your collarbone. You shake yourself back to reality as you see that he has quite a dark brown scuffle that goes around those lips and up his chin and cheekbones. "Miss you okay there luv?", his voice has startled you, "Oh yes, I would appreciate if you could help me out". He smiles big and his eyes as blue as the sky shine as he walks around you to your back.

He gets down on his knees and sits crossed-legged behind you, "May I have the bottle?", he asks. You hand the bottle to him above your head and he gently takes it from you. You feel his fingers brush against yours and right there you feel a small shock course through your hands into your body. You hear the squirt of the bottle as he pours it into his hands, he gently lays the bottle next to you and rubs his hands together. His hands gently touch your back as hes massages the lotion on the lower part of your back. He rubs the lotion in with his thumbs at first and then he starts to use each finger as he slowly trails up your back. As hes slowly going up your back your insides start to shiver. You move your bum because, you start to become antsy. "Feeling antsy there luv?". You move your head up and quickly say, " No, No just getting comfortable". He continues up your back stopping at your shoulder blades. He then takes his hands and spreads the lotion across your shoulder blades to your arms. " All done my dear". You turn your body around facing him, "Thank you sir". He smiles wide, "Name is Michael". You begin to blush and tell him your name and that you are happy to meet him. Both you and Michael sit and talk about the lovely view of London.

TBC ...Folks....

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