Part I - Rules

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For as long as I can think, I've never stepped out of line. I've always followed the rules, not able to bear the disappointment of others. Parents. Teachers. Playing by the rulebook is easy. There's no need to mull things over. You simply do what you're told. 



This has lots to do with control. Not only because something else controls your actions but keeping to rules requires plenty of self-control.

It has only come to my notice recently that ignoring or disregarding these instructions caused me immense anxiety and guilt. Be it moral rules or school rules, hell, even society's rules took its toll on yours truly. I felt pressured by my own self-control to obey these guidelines. However, doing something to jeopardy these, doing something forbidden, I sensed would infuse my blood with lightning, rid my mind and body off weight. 

Free me.

That was the moment I first felt the allure to neglect rules or, heaven forbid, even break them. 

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