6 - Love is Miserable

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It was Sam's little brother, Simon, who spoke. He must have wanted to check the door because he heard someone on the porch. A sense of dread filled me as the mini version of my ex stood before me and I stumbled back a step. My movement seemed to force him out of his surprised trance as he cried out, "Wait!" Heart thumping in my throat I turned to leave when he called into the house, "Sam! Come quick! Liz is here!"

Fleeing down the wooden steps I noticed Logan opening his door upon realizing that shit was about to go down. Fuck! Simon, why couldn't you just let me leave without alerting your brother to my whereabouts?

"Liz!" That voice almost froze me to the spot.

I rushed to Logan's car, Logan now coming my way, but, not surprisingly, Sam was faster (he was a running back after all), not as quick as my best friend, however. I felt the brush of air as Sam meant to grab me, but Logan intercepted him.

Turning around, my breathing ceased at what I saw. Clear blue eyes haunted by grey clouds and red lightning, overshadowed by heavy, pink lids and encircled by dark bruises above ashen skin. Disheveled, long hair providing shade to his gaze and slouched shoulders shortening his height, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days. "You came back." His voice left his lips in a soft whisper, a tone so desperately relieved that my heart shrunk in my ribcage.

When his hand reached for me Logan caught it with ease, successfully ripping Sam's gaze from mine. Stormy eyes beholding the hand on his wrist, they widened as if he only just realized Logan's presence.

"Not so fast, Wheelan." The voice of my friend was a stark contrast to that of my former boyfriend, hard and stone-cold but still calm. "Liz, get in the car."

The demand of my friend would have offended other females in my position, however, I was more than aware that he wasn't simply ordering me around but trying to protect me from the situation and doing what he thinks was best for me.

And perhaps he was indeed right to insist for my retreat, but my feet were shackled to the asphalt. Like a nosy bystander I could do nothing but masochistically watch the car wreck about to happen. Stumbling against the car, that was as far as my numb feet pushed me.

"Logan," Sam stammered. "Let me explain-"

Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, Logan pulled him closer as he seethed, "Do I look like an idiot? There's nothing left for you to say that I would believe." My best friend had never been much of a fool, unlike me. "But let me explain something to you. What you did will have consequences. Everything you did is about to fall back on you tenfold. Feigning friendship with me and the others is one thing. What you did to Liz, however, I'll personally make sure you regret for a very long time."

It was only then as I heard Logan's harsh words that I realized I wasn't the only one having the right to feel betrayed. My group of friends had been quite chummy with Sam, especially Logan. Maybe I should have told him sooner, after all. Perhaps it was time to inform the others as well, for their sake.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did, to you and especially to her, but-"

"Sorry! You are sorry? I can't tell whether you're lying to my face right now or gathering enough human compassion to actually be apologetic. Regardless, when I tell the team of this you'll be very sorry indeed."

"Liz, please, I know what I did was wrong, but you are here to start over, to give us another chance and I promise you no more lies. I promise to treat you be-"

Before he could continue to appeal to the insecure part of me with tempting falsehoods, he was cut off by a fist colliding with his face. I gasped as I was torn from my trance and watched as Sam stumbled a step back, not getting far since Logan still had a fist twisted in his shirt. "Listen closely, asshole, you will keep your distance from her and stop any and all advances towards her. She is not and, as long as I'm here, will never come back to you. The only reason for our being here is, because she was so kind as to give you your stupid jacket back."


His eyes finally turned towards me as I shook my head, causing his features to soften tremendously. However, my call also drew the unwanted attention of an injured Sam.

"Liz, please! I love you. I'm not like him, I swear!"

Logan was ready to punch him again I realized as he drew his arm back. "Logan!" He stopped. "You have a game in a few hours," I reminded him as I knew not injuring his hand was the only thing able to tear him away from beating Sam bloody. Refraining from hitting Sam, he kept him close by his collar, nonetheless. Staring at anything but the two, I spoke to my best friend, "Let's go."

"Liz, please listen to me."

Hearing the crinkle Sam's shirt made when Logan tightened his grip, I intervened. "Leave him be, Logan. Let's go. Please." I added the last word when nothing seemed to move him.

With a harsh shove, he pushed Sam away from him. I almost feared he would spit on him or kick him even, but he just gave him a hateful glare and threatened one last time, "Stay away from her."

As Logan rounded his car to enter the driver's side, my gaze settled back on the one I used to call honey. Sam's appearance alone portrayed his misery as he looked upon me with the pleading eyes of a child who begged their parents not to leave him. He'd clearly worried his brain about how to get me back. Whether he longed for me to accomplish his assignment or because he truly cared for me as a person, however, would forever be a mystery as I would never be able to trust a word of his ever again.

"Liz," he whispered so brokenly it tugged at my heart. "I love you, I swear, and I'll show you that I'm not like him." I felt the familiar sting in my eyes as I regarded him with a sad gaze. I wished to believe him. Truly, I did. But I could not. Because everything he just said to me was really more directed toward himself. He tried to convince himself that he wasn't like his father because that was his biggest fear coming true.

A sudden flame of anger lit up my chest and knocked the air out of my lungs. Breathing unevenly, I opened my door with shaking fingers and without a word in his direction. I felt the beginning of a panic attack as I buckled myself in.

Through the window, I gazed at him one last time and watched as his past swallowed him. And as we pulled away, I wondered if that was the last time I would ever see Sam again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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