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Monday at school, she was sitting in the lounge with the Kevin as he rambled on about the movie playing at the Bijou this weekend.

    "It's called Love, Simon. I don't want to go alone, so be my date?" He asked giving her puppy dog eyes.

    "Sure, Kev." She cut off his celebration by continuing, "But only if you come over today after school to help me study for this math test i have tomorrow. I cannot risk my gpa dropping because i can't understand anything that teacher says." Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni all strutted into the lounge as they spoke giving her nods as hello. She offered them a small smile and wave.

    "Hey guys!" Kevin greeted, "I'll meet you at your car after the final bell. We should grab some Pop's on the way though, it's going to be a long night."

    "You're smart, Elle, but completely dimwitted when it comes to math. It might take more than Keller to get you through that test." Jughead joked. She groaned and put her head in her hands.

    "Yeah we might have to call Midge for backup." Kevin said rubbing her back. She could hear the smile he had plastered on his face as he spoke. She gave him the side eye as he chuckled.

Soon the whole gang was in the lounge. Veronica was sputtering on about a couples weekend away at her families lodge asking Betty and Jughead if they'd come. She chuckled nudging Kevin, "That's going to be a weekend from hell. With Jughead's vendetta against Mr. Lodge, the whole weekend is going to be spent filled with argument." She whispered, Kevin nodding in agreement. She looked over at Sweet Pea catching his eye and giving him a small smile before getting up and heading to her first class of the day. She were stopped at the door by Reggie who jumped in front of her.

    "Hi, Reg."

    "Elle. Just wanted to see if you wanted to go with me this weekend to see that movie everyone's talking about?"

    "Sorry, Reggie. I'm going with Kevin, but i'm sure you'll find someone to take." She tried to scoot past him towards the door but he stepped in front of her again, "Come on, Elle. You and i can get seats in the back, i'll buy the popcorn. Even though we'll probably be using our mouths for other things." He smirked. She knew Reggie was only joking. They have been friends for awhile, but that doesn't mean Reggie didn't try to get in her pants every once in awhile.

    "She said no so beat it." A deep voice said from behind her. She looked back and saw Sweet Pea standing there with a scowl on his face and fists clenched at his side.

    "Mind your business, Snake." Reggie growled.

    "It's okay, Sweet Pea. Let's not start a fight." She said placing a hand on his chest pushing him back a little.

    "How the hell do you two even know each other, Elle?" Reggie questioned.

    "Well, if you hadn't noticed, we go to school together." She replied sarcastically, "Also, he's friends with Jughead, as am i so we were bound to cross paths eventually." With that she left both boys standing in the doorway of the student lounge and made your way to class.

    After the final bell, she went straight to her locker shoving her notebooks and textbook into her bag. She looked around for Midge after closing her locker spotting her standing at Moose's locker with him and Reggie. She walked over placing her hand on her arm, "Hey, Kevin is coming over today to help me study for this stupid math test. You want to come?"

    "Of course. I'd hate to see my best friend's name fall off the honor roll list." She joked, "I'll have Moose drop me off."

    "Haha very funny. Kev and i are going to stop by Pop's to grab food. Text me what you want. I'll see you later." She said goodbye to Moose and Reggie before walking to the student parking lot. She sent a quick text to Sweet Pea letting him know that Kevin and Midge were both going to be at the house and that she would text him when the coast was clear.

    Grunting in frustration she pushed the textbook away from her, "I'm going to fail. None of this makes any damn sense." She ran her hands through her hair.

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