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During lunch Elle was able to sneak away from Sweet Pea and meet Betty in the Blue and Gold. She was already there when Elle walked in, nose stuck in her laptop as she scrolled through whatever she had looked up.

    "Oh good, you're here. Okay, so i started with your mom. I found absolutely nothing on her. No obituary, no public records from being arrested. It's like she never existed." she said. Elle looked over Betty's shoulder as she scrolled.

    "What about my dad?" She asked bringing a chair over to sit next to her.

    "He was a Serpent, that's for sure. He also has a pretty hefty track record. No drugs or theft though. All fights he's been in and gotten arrested for; the usual Serpent track record. This is interesting though, the death date on his obituary isn't the date you told me." She pointed at the date on the paper. A completely different date than what Elle has set in her brain as the anniversary of their death. Elle scrunch her eyebrows in confusion.

"I can't find anything that states how either of them died. But i think i might know who we can ask. Meet me at the Register after your detention is over." Elle gave her a nod and gathered everything up when they heard the bell signal that lunch was over. Shoving the files into her bag as she walked into the hallway Elle bumped into someone.

She looked up to apologize, "Oh sorry, Principal Weatherbee."

    "Ms. Taylor. You skipped detention yesterday. Might i ask why?" He gave her a stern look.

    "I - um - my aunt called me. Someone destroyed my car." She technically weren't lying. Someone did in fact destroy her car. She pulled out her phone to show him pictures, "i'll stay late tomorrow to make up for it. I just needed to go get my car taken care of." She explained.

    "If you show up for detention today, i'll let it slide. I know things have been difficult for you lately and i hope it has nothing to do with those thugs you've been running around with. I don't mind cutting you some slack seeing as you've never been in my office for anything worth reprimanding. Don't make the same mistake twice, Ms. Taylor." and with that he walked away.


    In detention she pulled out her laptop to finish digging around for information. She deciding to look up Johnathan and see what dirt she could find. Scrolling through the endless reports of violence from the many fights he's been arrested for, she decided that she probably wasn't going to find much. She looked up her mother again in hopes of finding something, but came up short. Betty was right, it's like she wasn't even real.

"Ms. Taylor? What are you doing in detention?" Elle looked up and saw Mr. Anderson. He was an older gentleman and taught English here. Turns out he's also the one who monitors detention.

    "I punched Reggie Mantle in the mouth." She said nonchalantly.

    "I'm sure he deserved it. Get out of here. I'll tell Principal Weatherbee you finished out your time in detention. Just don't let me catch you in here again, young lady." He said. Wow, being an honor roll student who never gets in trouble is really paying off.

    Sweet Pea had text h34 earlier telling her to call him when her detention was over and he'd come get her. She told him not to worry about it, that Betty and her mom asked her to help with the Register so they were picking her up. He was annoyed but said he'd be at the Wyrm.   

Elle opened the door to the Register and the bell dinged making Betty look up from whatever she was looking at on the desk.

    "You're here earlier than expected."

    "Thank god for Mr. Anderson." She said jokingly making prayer hands and raising them to the sky while laughing.

    "Alright, we have to make a pit stop at the bank before we go to the morgue."

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