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She had a free period for her last class of the day so she decided to make her way to her math class to see if the teacher had graded the test. Praying that she did so she wouldn't have to wait until tomorrow. The anxiety of not knowing if she passed or failed would eat her alive. She knocked softly on the door. She looked up and smiled softly at her knowing exactly what she was here for, "Here you go, Elle." She handed her the test upside down building the suspense. She took a deep breath before grabbing it and flipping it over. She squealed in excitement when she saw the 95% at the top corner circled in red. Thanking the teacher she ran out of the classroom, rushing to find the room Jughead held the Swords and Serpents "club" in and swinging the door open. She stood in the doorway with a wide smile on her face as she held the test in front of her with both hands.

"Did you pass?" Fangs asked getting off the desk he was sitting on and walking towards her to get a better look at the paper. He hooted in excitement, grabbing her in a hug and spinning her in a circle. Toni and Sweet Pea came over hollering their congrats as well.

"Congrats, Elle. Didn't think you had it in you." Jughead said jokingly putting an arm across her shoulders and pulling her into a side hug.

"If it weren't for Fangs and Pea, i would've failed. As promised, Pop's on me. You guys ready?" Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea nodded, grabbing their bags and following her to her car. Thankfully they didn't have their Serpent jackets because of the school rule that no gang affiliated clothes were allowed so she didn't have to worry about asking them to leave them in the car.

Sitting in a booth, the four of them chatted away as she munched on her food. She was having a good time until Reggie and Cheryl walked in. Spotting her with the Serpents, they made their way to the table.

"Elle, didn't i tell you this morning that you shouldn't be hanging around thugs." Reggie said patronizingly.

She rolled your eyes, "And didn't i tell you this morning that the only 'thug' you should worry about is Archie. Look Reggie, I like you. We're friends, but don't ever talk to me like i'm a child that needs your protection and don't you dare try to dictate who i hang with or talk to. It's only going to cause you problems."

"How about you reconsider your alliance with the hobo's or you're off the Vixens." Cheryl piped in. She slid out of the booth walking up to face Cheryl.

"To be quite frank, Cheryl. I don't want to be apart of a team where the captain judges a certain group of people based solely on the fact that their circumstances and upbringings are different from hers. So take your squad and shove it." She spit every word out like fireballs.

"Elle, stop. You don't have to do that." Toni whispered grabbing your arm.

"No, T. I do. I'm so tired of the Northside/Southside feud. It's pointless and redundant."

"Final offer to come with us, Elle. If you don't you'll be sorry." Cheryl said throwing her fiery hair over her shoulder.

"Bite me, Madame Medusa." She pushed Cheryl out of her way and walked out of Pop's after handing him some money for their meals. When she got to her car, Toni grabbed her arm turning her to face her.

"Elle, why'd you do that? You love being a Vixen."

"Not as much as i hate people who think their better than others because of what side of town they grew up on." They all climbed into her car as she continued, "I stuck up for the Southside before you guys ever came to Riverdale High and i'm not going to stop just because Cheryl threatened my spot on the squad. It was just so i had extracurriculars on my college apps anyway." She took Toni and Fang's back to school to get their bikes before driving her and Sweet Pea back to hers.

Saturday at the Bijou, her and Kev stood in line waiting to get some popcorn when she noticed Toni talking to Cherly over by the drinks. She nudged Kev giving him a weird look before pointing over. "Cheryl literally just verbally attacked us the other day and now Toni's having a civilized conversation with her." She told him.

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