✺ A day with the maknae line ✺

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There's nothing I love more than a day of rest. Sure I love my job, but it's nice to have a break once in a while.

Too bad I have to spend it indoors.

Me and the maknae line we're planning to go to Lotte World today and we had been planning this for the past week. All of us were super excited when manager-oppa gave us the weekend off since we finished our DNA live show performances. And we were super pumped...that is until I woke up this morning.

As soon as I woke up, I felt my throat was dry and when I tried to talk my voice came out raspy.

"D-DaMNiT" I cursed at myself and I was thrown into a fit of coughs. I tried to keep it as quiet as possible so the boys didn't get suspicious.

I was so mad at myself, why didn't I take care of myself better? Now I'm gonna ruin the day for the boys...

I sat up from my bed and checked my phone to see the time. "08:37"

We were planning to spend the whole day there, and I stayed up after practice yesterday to get ready. I like to be organized, less stress.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bike ride home after practice. It was so cold in the practice room and it was warm outside. My body probably couldn't take the hot/cold combination.

'It's okay...I can do this! I don't want to ruin the day! Let's just wear a face mask and keep quiet so no one notices, especially Jin' I said to myself and with my newfound motivation, I got out of bed and started to get ready.

Right when I entered the bathroom, I turned the lights on and I got a sudden headache (from the lights). I looked at the mirror and I looked tired. I tried to shake it off and I washed my face and did my usual routine.

When I got out I staggered to the bed and tried to ignore the pounding in my head.

'Almost ready...there's no way I could have gotten a cold overnight, I'll be fine'

I changed into comfortable and casual clothes and put some BB cream on with concealer so no one would notice my eye bags. Some mascara and lipstick and eyebrow gel and I was good to go with some blush. No harm, I wasn't planning on wearing that much makeup today, but I don't want anyone to worry.

I packed my bag and opened my door to head down the stairs. Where I saw the maknae line already down eating breakfast with smiles on their faces.

"Ah Luna-ya there you are! I thought you were going to oversleep" Taehyung waved at me and I smiled back with an eyebrow raised that made Jungkook and Jimin laugh.

"Noona! Which camera should I bring? My Polaroid or my regular camera? I wanna take some photos or videos for G.C.F" I pretended to think about it and I pointed to his regular camera which made him nod and smile.

I served myself some cereal as the 3 boys conversed. Once I was eating they strayed to talk to me too and I used the excuse that "I'm eating so I can't talk now". No one picked up on it so I quickly washed my bowl when I finished.

"Luna-ya, got the sunscreen?" Jimin asked and I took it out of my bag to show him with a wink, as to say 'I gotchu~'

Soon Jin was the first oldest member to wake up and he greeted us as we were almost about to leave. I simply smiled as the others said "morning!" or "hi hyung!"

"You guys all eat breakfast?" Jin asked us and we nodded.

"Sunscreen? Keys? Camera? Phones?" He kept asking and we nodded. What a mom.

"Alright, don't forget your face masks and don't forget to text me when you get there, what you're eating and when you're coming home" He told us and we nodded for the final time.

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