Chapter 1

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"Hey, Sadie." A stunning white smile peeks out at me from his pale lips. I immediately turn around to face him with a perfect smile. A perfect smile for a perfect maid. I am a perfect maid after all. The tile floors shone, both swept and scrubbed. Two chandeliers sparkle from the arches held up by the pale beige walls high above the marble floor. This room might as well have been a ballroom in the 18th century but is instead for the more tasteless parties of the 21st century. I had just been finishing up dusting off a small tea table with a bouquet of fresh white flowers when the man walked in.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Sir?" Derek scoffs. His hand shifts to his pocket. The dark blue suit coat moves out of the way to reveal his shiny silver belt buckle. Just like the rest of his mansion, his attire is perfectly arranged, shined, and polished accordingly.

"If sir does not suit you, what would you prefer me to call you?" I reply politely. In all honesty, I found Derek to be just another spoiled, snobby prick but at least he isn't very demanding and, for the most part, doesn't interfere with my work. Still, he needs to be taught a lesson. Too bad I'd surely be fired for trying any of my methods on him.

He flashes his perfect smile again. It is one of those smiles that could earn him anything he desired. I, of course, remain unimpressed; in fact, it only leads me to desire taking that control and power from him. As if reading my thoughts, he shifts the look in his eye to something more sexual. "Master."

I refrain from rolling my icy blue eyes; I have heard of Derek making moves on other staff but this had been the first I've had the pleasure of receiving. Part of me has always desired he would show this side of his cocky attitude to give me an excuse to punish him; however, I know I should remain the perfect servant and a proper lady, despite what I become behind closed doors.

"Sorry sir, but I doubt that would be appropriate." I turn away only for him to scoff again. The sound was really starting to get on my nerves. Everything about him just seemed to beg for me to teach him a lesson, making it rather difficult to control my urges.

"What's inappropriate are these.~" His stuck-up smirk stuck out in his words and I couldn't help but turn back to see what he was referring to. My face instantly fell.

Oh shit...

I can't help the sinking feeling in my stomach as I gaze at the very familiar handcuffs dangling in his grip. The red fuzz on the darkly colored metal is unmistakable. They are mine.

Am I in trouble? Am I going to get fired? This job may have its downfalls but it is really cushy and pays a lot. Nothing could compare. I really couldn't afford to lose it.

No... I thought slowly, Technically I haven't broken any rules so they won't fire me.... hopefully. But from the look on Derek's face, it is clear that firing me is the last thing on his mind. His filthy, perverted mind. How I wish could teach him a lesson. I could just imagine bending him over the small tea table I was just cleaning and giving his ass a whopping he'd never soon forget. His cute, tan ass turned a throbbing red.


Now I'm in a sticky situation and horny. Just perfect.

"Well?~" His smirk grows, showing more of his sparkling pearly whites. A million dollar smile for a million dollar man.

"I-uh-" He caught me off-guard and the scarlet I wish to inflict on his cheeks instead adorns my cheeks.

"You what?~" He took three steps closer to me. I practically feel the lust and unholy desires seeping from his dark pools into my crystal blue oceans. The gentle feel of his fingertips brushing against my bare neck pushing back my ash blonde hair off my shoulder only excites me further. My breath is taken away but his heats up my face. His suit of navy blue and white dress shirt did nothing to stop me from feeling his muscles pressing against me. The hand holding the handcuffs pushes on the small of my back to hold our bodies tightly together as his other tilted my chin to intensify the stare. My own hands gripped his shoulders.

I didn't resist him. For some reason, I couldn't. Instead, I stood still, barely able to process what is happening and unable to form words from the language I've been speaking from birth. The only thing my mind is able to process is my lust for him. My desire to follow through with what my naughty imagination had come up with only seconds before. My desire to tie him up and watch him beg and moan for more; that cocky smile earning him nothing more than a spanking.

"Do you have a secret kink of being tied up?~" his suggestive, captivating tone and movements don't change but I suddenly do. Whatever stunning effect he had on me moments before is gone. Instead, I am just struggling not to laugh. He thinks I am a submissive! Clearly he didn't go through all of my stuff.

Now I am the one with the cocky smirk. "Maybe.~" His eyes widen for a moment at my sudden shift of attitude but then he quickly covers it up.

"What are you suggesting?~" He leans in closer, lips almost touching mine, as if I didn't already understand what he is implying.

I pull away, much to his surprise. I have to be in charge and so far he has been making the moves. That is unacceptable. I am not about to give him my dominance.

"How about..." I start to say slowly. My fingers gently run up his arm, just the tips tracing his suit coat. His eyes closed as he let out a controlled breath. I can see he is already struggling not to submit to me. The only thing in my way is that god-awful ego of his. "You go to your room and strip down," I trace my single fingertip down the line of buttons down his front, "and I'll meet you there with a few things from my room.~" I give him his first command and I am curious as to how well he'd follow it. Maybe I'd be lenient since he still isn't sure what he's getting into. Then again, I had a lot of punishment to give him anyway, so what's a little more?

My hand pulls away as my finger neared his tent before taking the handcuffs from him. "I'll take these.~" My lips brush his ear as I move completely away from him. Now he seems to be the one lost for words.

I smirk and walk away, swaying my hips. I can practically feel him drooling after me like the dog he is. I'm definitely going to need a collar.

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