Chapter 1

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        Packing for a camping trip wasn't normally that difficult. But Ryan found this time a little more difficult than the others. Of course there's the necesities: bras, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, a brush, and deoderant. But, since her dad had bought a new RV camper trailer, she didn't know if she'd need super warm clothes or not. Would the heater break down? Would they run out of water? Would she need her swimsuit for anything? Those were just some of the questions racing through Ryans's mind.

        After deciding to pack only tanktops, shorts, a sweatshirt, and a pair of pajamas, she finally closed up her bag and put it in the RV. Her dad wanted them all to go camping over the fourth of July weekend. All of them being her, her dad, her stepmom Sami, and four of her younger siblings. They were also going to meet up with her stepmom's Aunt Natalie and her boyfriend, Christian, and apparently Christian's seventeen year old son.

        "Ryan! Let's go! Everything is hooked up!  We're waiting on you!" yelled her dad.

        "I'm coming!" She replied as she grabbed her phone and her headphones and headed to the car. Hopping in the backseat, she plugged her headphones into her phone and blasted her music, not wanting to listen to her rambunctious siblings. Soon enough though, she let her eyelids close and she fell into a dark silence.

        Feeling the car roll to a stop, Ryan opened her eyes to their campsite. Looking at her phone, she realized it had taken four hours to even get there. This better be worth it. She thought to herself. She then noticed a third RV and recognized it as Sami's parents, Carl and Steph, and of course the ATV they brought along.She put away her phone and helped the kids out of the car. She decided to go say hi to Natalie and Christian when someone she had never met jumped out of Christian's truck. He has to be Christian's son. She thought to herself, brushing away any other thoughts on it. But they soon came back when she saw his face.

        He had black hair that was just a little longer than a buzz cut and long black eye lashes that surrounded his chocolate colored eyes. His jawline was strong and his lips weren't too thick but not too thin--just perfect. He was extremely well built too, she'd find out why later, and his tan only made him more attractive. but the smile he sent her way made her breath faulter a little bit. She was soon shaken out of her thoughts though by Natalie.

        "Ryan! Come here sweetheart! Give me a hug!" Natalie yelled. Ryan smiled and jogged over to her, giving her a squeeze. "How are you sweetheart?"

        "I'm pretty good, how're you?" She replied as she released Natalie.

        "Oh, I've been great, honey. Thanks for asking."

        "Of course." Natalie was about to say something but was cut off by the engine of the ATV. They look over to see Christian's son zoom off down the dirt road. 

        "That boy would never get off that ATV if he didn't have to." Natalie stated, shaking her head and walking away. Ryan walked over to her stepmom Sami and decided to figure out who this kid was.

        "Hey, Sami?"


        "Who is that? The guy on the ATV."

        "Oh that's Jack, Christian's son. Why? Do you think he's cute?" Sami asked with a teasing but knowing tone in her voice.

        "Well I don't even know the kid." Ryan stated, avoiding the question.

        "Oh, okay." Sami still had that knowing tone, and when Jack came over and stopped in front of them with a smile, she got an idea. "Hey, Jack! You having fun?" When he nodded, his smile only grew, making Ryan wish he would never stop. "Can you take Ryan out for a ride?" 

        "Sure." He replied as he scooted forward to make room. Ryan smiled and jumped on behind him. She wasn't sure if she should hold on to Jack, or the ATV itself. Deciding to choose the less awkward, she grabbed onto the bars of the ATV. 

        "Now don't get her hurt!" Sami yelled right before they took off.

        "I won't!" Jack replied as he zoomed off. He went around the camp in a big circle a few times, and Ryan was curious as to how fast they were going. Lifting herself up a little bit to look over his broad shoulders, she saw he was going at least 50 miles an hour. She set herself back down and gripped the bars as they went over a huge bump. Well, huge to Ryan. As Jack came to a stop, she almost ran into him. She hopped off and leaned against Christian's truck.

        "Thanks." She said as Jack came over and leaned against the ATV trailer across from her.

        "Of course. So your name's Ryan?"

        "Yeah. What's yours?"

        "Jack. It's nice to meet you." 

        "It's nice to meet you too." she smiled.

        "So do you like camping?"

        "Yeah, it's nice to get away from the city."

        "Yeah. So how old are you?"

        "Fifteen. You?"


        "Oh cool." She already knew he was only two years older, but she didn't want the conversation to stop. However, they sat in silence for a moment and Ryan realized how small compared to him she was. He was only a few inches taller, but his build made her feel tiny. I wonder if he does sports or is just really athletic. She thought to herself, but before she could ask, a little chihuahua ran towards Jack. 

        "Oh hey Samoa." He said as he grabbed the tiny dog. The sight would've been hilarious to anyone else. A big muscly guy with one of the smallest dogs in his arms. But Ryan found it kind of a adorable. "This is Samoa." He said to her. "Samoa, go to Ryan." He said as he set the dog down. Samoa cautiously walked over to Ryan, who had knelt down, and sniffed her hand. Ryan picked up the tiny dog only to be licked in the face repeatedly. She stood up laughing and heard Jack laugh too.

        "That means she likes you." He laughed. As she watched Jack, she realized this might be her favorite camping trip yet.

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