Chapter 6

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        After Ryan had calmed down enough to let go of Jack, he went and made her some lunch. It was almost noon afterall and she hadn't eaten breakfast. He took her into his dad's trailer and tried to make them both some BLT's, but when Ryan saw how badly  he was failing, she decided to teach him how to cook. When the sandwhiches were done, they sat at the small table together. Taking a bite out of the sandwhich, Jack's eyes grew wide.

        "What?" Ryan asked, worried. After swallowing, Jack answered.

        "I think you're my chef..." He whispered staring at her.

        Blushing, Ryan looked down at her plate and mumbled,"Just eat the damn sandwhich..."

        "Gladly." He replied with a big grin before almost inhaling his sandwhich. When he finished, Ryan had just started the second half of her own lunch, so he just watched. It wasn't really until then that he let the fact they were meant to be, actually sink in. He was so glad that he was matched with her. He thought she was gorgeous and he loved her personality. He loved her. She was always on his mind and he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of her.

        Ryan soon noticed Jack staring with that dazed smile on his face and soon became insecure of herself. "Why are you doing that?" She shyly asked.

        "Doing what?"


        "Because I can't stop thinking about how I'm matched with the most beautiful girl in the world." He replied, unfazed by her question. She blushed a dark crimson as she finished her sandwhich. Swallowing the last bite, she picked up the plates and put them in the sink. Before she could sit in the mini booth across from Jack, he spoke up.

        "C'mere cutie"

        "Excuse me?" She asked, her ears turning red.

        "Come sit with me. Please?" He held out his arms. Ryan walked over and Jack grabbed her hand, pulling her down to sit in between his legs with her back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tiny torso, resting his chin on her shoulder.

        "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He mumbled. "And I won't judge you for whatever it is either. No matter what."

        "You mean that?" She asked, her voice shaking.

        "Of course I do." He started rubbing the knuckles of her fingers with his thumb. "I'm always here for you."

        "That might get some getting use to."

        "What do you mean?"

        "It maight take me time to get used to having someone there for me. I've never had someone lie that in my life."

        "Are you serious?" he turned to look at her. "Why not?"

        "Jack, I'm the girl who's invisible on her own birthday. I'm a nobody."

        "You're not a nobody, Ry-"

       "Yes. I am. If you were to take my place for a day, you'd only be getting a taste of what I'm talking about. I have no friends. Everyone, but my teachers, hates me. And...and..." It was getting harder to talk, her breath hitching in her throat as the tears forrmed, "...everyone leaves me..." she whispered. 

        "Hey..." Jack placed his hands over her face. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm not gonna leave you for anything. I'm here to stay, okay?" He pulled her in for a hug. "I'm here to stay.

        Jack felt horrible for making Ryan cry. The sight itself was heart-breaking enough, but the fact that he caused it this time felt like a punch to the stomach as well.

        Ryan walked out of the trailer, once she was calm enough, and headed towards the truck. Jack was talking to his dad about the whole situation, so she decided to give them some privacy. She climbed into the bed of the truck and grabbed her ipod. Trurning uon some music, she felt fur rub against her leg. Looking up, she spotted Samoa and brought her up to her lap. As she listened to the soft hum of her music, she sat, petting Samoa until she fell asleep. Ryan grinned. She always was an animal lover. She alwasy seemed to get along with them more than she did with people. 

        Not hearing him walk up to the truck, Ryan jumped when Jack placed his hand on her shoulder. Taking her headphones out, she gave a small smile.

        "You wanna go for a ride up the trail?" He asked.

        "Sure." Hopping out of the truck, Ryan followed Jack over to the ATV. Climbing on after him, she wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head against his back. When they reached the top of the trail, much farther than they went yesterday, they just sat there for a few moments.

        "Will you hop off really quick?" Jack asked.

        "Uh, sure..." Ryan answered, hopping down. Jack turned around and sat sideways. As he held out his arms, Ryan walked over; and once she was within his grasp, Jack picked her up and set her on his lap. 

        "I talked to my dad." he mumbled into her shoulder.

        "What about?" She asked, entwining their fingers together.

        "Taking you back to California with me."

        Gasping, she turned to face him. "Really?"

        "Yup. All I have to do is call my mom, and if she says 'no',  I'll just stay out here with you."

        "Are you kidding?"

        "I would never joke about staying with you."

        Laying in the sleeping bag while wrapped in Jack's arms, Ryan stared up at the stars. Jack had already fallen asleep, but she was wide awake. Thinking about Jack, she looked to his peaceful face. She loved him already, she knew that. What she didn't know, was how he would react to all the secrets she wants to eventually tell him. She wanted to tell him about her mother, about her scars, about her sleepless nights...about the man in the mask...but she just didn't know how.

        Placing her hand gently on his cheek, slightly stroking his cheek bone with her thumb, she grinned. The only reaction she got was a sigh from him as a tiny trace of a smile crossed his face. She slowly leaned closer and left a kiss, so light it could've never happened on the corner of his lips. As she gently wrapped her arms around his torso, she whispered three words from the bottom of her heart. 

        "I love you."

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