Chapter 4

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        Jack had been overwhelmed with joy when he found out Ryan was his match. He had held her in the tightest hug he had given, but was careful not to hurt her. He rested his hands on her lower back and nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. He listened to her laughs of joy, memerizing the sound. When they had to head back, he relished in the feeling of her arms around his torso. Stopping to grab some firewood, he would watch her when she would climb high just in case she slipped. Before returning, they agreed to wait to tell their dads just in case they didn't like it.

        The rest of the day, they just sat at camp, getting to know eachother more, and not once did either of them think about Ryan's dad getting mad earlier. When roasting marshmallows, they sat closer together and talked even more. Ryan couldn't hide the smile on her face as she told him about a dance concert she performed in. He listened to her like it was the most interesting thing in the world, because, to him, it was. She did the same thing when he talked about his wrestling matches. They were talking about Ryan's love for singing when her dad interrupted.

        "Ryan, we need to talk to you."

        "Oh okay." she looked to Jack. "I'll be back out." She whispered. Getting up, she noticed that all the little kids and the other adults had gone to bed. Only Sami, her dad, her, and Jack were left awake. She followed her dad and Sami into the trailer.

        "Ryan, we don't like how much time you're spending with Jack than with us. He's two years older, it's not appropriate." Her father stated once closing the door.

        "What? Dad, he's the only one close to my age here. I can't handle only hanging out with little kids all the time." Ryain defended herself.

        "And I know that, but you can hang out with the adults."

        "Dad, that is exactly why I don't have any friends. You never let me hang out with kids my age unless they're girly girls."

        "And what's wrong with them?"

        "They are all girly; they are obsessed with gossip, boybands, looking pretty, dressy clothes, and bubblegum pop music."

        "And what's wrong with all that?"

        "First of all, I'm not girly, if you hadn't noticed by now. Second, I HATE gossip. Most of it is a lie anyways. Oh! There's also the fact that I'm not very fond of boybands, or bubblegum pop music. I despise dressy clothes and I could care less about if I looked pretty. Sure, being called that is nice, but I'm not exactly trying for anyone."

        "Maybe, you would be friends with them more if you were girlier, and not so....alternative."

        "Oh my god, Dad. Quit trying to turn me into a girly girl! It's not happening! This is the way I am! And you can't change that!"

        "I'm only trying to keep you from making the same mistake your mom and I made!" That hurt. Ryan's parents may have been the teen ones, but that really stung as her stomache dropped at his words. It took everything not to start crying right there.

        "Oh? So I'm a mistake?"

        "No, you're the consequence! And you're starting to become a burden!"

        "Oh am I?!" Ryan went to her bunk and grabbed her blanket and pillow. "If I'm such a burden to you, I guess I'll leave."

        "Fine! I never asked for you anyways." He muttered the last part under his breath. She froze as what he said sunk in. She was so close to losing it, but she had to keep it together until she was out of there.

        "They you don't have to keep me." Ryan opened the door. "And by the way," She turned to face her dad with a look of steel,"Mom wouldn't try to change who I am."

        "How dare you bring up your mother like that," Despite his talking, she stepped out of the trailer. "Get back here Ryan! You won't last five minutes out there!"

        "Watch me!" She yelled, slamming the door closed.

        Sighing, and trying to not start bawling, Ryan noticed Jack setting up his sleeping bags in the bed of his dad's truck. The fire was still going so she took a seat in front of it, placing the blanket over her legs and the pillow ontop. It wasn't long until she was joined by Jack.

        Jack watched as Ryan followed her dad into the trailer. He was so happy she was his match, he couldn't stop smiling to himself. When they talked today, he learned so much about her. She was really cool. She loved the music he loved. She loved reading, unlike him. And she loved singing. He told her about how he used to write music and she suggested starting a band. He wanted to agree but he would have to go back to California to be with his mom and finish high school. The only way for them to stick together would be to tell their dads, and his mom. 

        Going to fix the sleeping bag for when he got sleepy, he started thinking of one of their conversations earlier. He had asked about her mom, but she refused to say anything. He also noticed how sad she got when he brought the topic up one more time. But seeing how sad it made her, he decided to stop asking.

        He was soon pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a trailer door open followed by shouting. Looking up, he spotted Ryan with her pillow and blanket. She's not staying outside is she? he asked himself. it's way too cold for just a blanket. 

        "How dare you bring up your mother like that," He heard her dad yell."Get back here Ryan! You won't last five minutes out there!"

        "Watch me!" Ryan yelled back. He saw her slam the door shut and walk to the fire, sitting in front of it. Hopping out of the truck, he made his way over to her. When he placed a hand on her shoulder when he was still behind her, she didn't even flinch. Walking around so he could see her face, he noticed the silent tears falling.

        "Ryan..." He knelt down to be at eye level. "Ryan what happened?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on her cheek. Her eyes locked with his and he could see the pain and sorrow in them, but she didn't say anything. Instead she took a shaky breath and leaned into his hand, closing her eyes. They sat like that for a moment until Jack's legs started cramping. Standing up, he took his hand from her face which earned him a sad pout.        

        "Stand up for a second." He softly said. Ryan, too exhausted to argue, did as he said, holding her blanket and pillow as she stood. He quickly sat down, opening his legs for her to sit in between them. "Come here." As Ryan sat inbetween his legs, he wrapped his arms around her and they sat in silence. Sure, Jack wanted to know what had happened, but if she didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't ask. All he could do was hold her as they stared silently at the campfire.

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