Chapter 3

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        Jack opened his eyes as the first light of dawn hit his face. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. Looking around the campsite, he realized he was the first one up. He looked to the trailer Ryan was in, wishing she would walk out at any minute. But to no luck, no one walked out. Sighing, he grabbed the necklace from his pocket and held it in his palm in his lap. Looking down at it, he thought back to the night before and remembered making that wish. His eyes squinted as he thought of how unlikley it was for his wish to come true. It pained him to know that because he thought Ryan was perfect, but he planned to get to know her more today no matter what.

        Ryan woke up, tangled in her blanket. Crawling free, she started to get ready for the day. Throwing on shorts, a black tanktop, socks, and shoes; she was about to hop out of the trailer when he felt the all too familiar chain around her neck. She grunted as she ripped the necklace over her head, shoving it in her pocket. Sighing, she opened the trailer door and jumped down, not bothering to take the two steps. Walking over to say goodmorning to everyone, she spotted Jack looking right at her. Trying to contain her blush as he smiled, she smiled back walking up to him.

        "Good morning, sleepy." He laughed.

        "Good morning, Jack." She replied with a hint of sass.

        "Hey, uh, I was thinking maybe you and I could ATV up the mountain and see the sheep. Maybe explore a little bit?" He asked, almost sounding... hopeful? Thinking for a moment, Ryan slightly nodded her head.

        "Sure. After I get back from my hike with my family, I'd love to." She replied, looking through her lashes.

        "Great! I'll wait for you then." He grinned.

        "You better!" She playfully teased.

        After eating breakfast, she grabbed her water bottle and clipped it to her shorts. They said their goodbyes and headed up a steep trail. She wanted to get to know Jack more. When he got all excited when she agreed to go explore with him, she felt so happy. But this hike had the opposite effect. She didn't go hiking very often, much less up a steep mountain trail. Her legs had started burning before they decided to turn around, and she wanted nothing but to just be back and sitting down.

        Sighing, she kept walking and they were finally more than halfway down. When she could see the campsite in her view, she huffed a laugh of relief. when she reached the campsite, she threw the walking stick she found into the pile of firewood and grabbed a cold bottle of water. As the rest of her family came back, she went over to where Jack was sitting with Samoa. Pulling up a chair next to him, she sat down and relaxed. Jack looked to her, chuckling.

        "Have fun?" He asked.

        "Hah. first hike of the summer just had to be a steep, long one. do you think I had fun with little kids complaining every five minutes?" she replied, taking a gulp of water. In response, he just laughed.

        "Well, are you ready to go exploring?"

        "Definitely." she smiled, "but you're driving the ATV up."

        "Alright, just hold on to me, not the ATV."

        "Why not the ATV?" she asked, confused.

        "I drive fast. I don't want you flying over the edge."

        Ryan chuckled at that. "Alright, but only because you're concerned."

        "Let's go then." Jack laughed, walking over to the ATV and climbing on. He put on his helmet before moving forward for Ryan. Putting on a helmet, she climbed on behind him. Before getting far< Jack hadn't even started the engine, Ryan's dad came over. 

        "Where are you going, Ryan?" He asked.

        "We're just going up to explore the trail a little bit." She replied. "Why?"

        "You're suppposed to be spending time with family. Now come inside the trailer and have some lunch."

        "I'm not hungry." she said.

        "Bullshit. You just hiked two miles. You've got to want to eat something. Now, come inside." He grabbed her hand from where it rested on Jack's shoulder and tugged a little.

        "No." she tugged her arm back. "I don't want to."

        "Ry-" Her dad was cut off by her stepmom, Sami.

        "Oh, Parker. Let the poor girl go. Jack won't hurt her. Will you, Jack?" Sami ased sweetly.

        "No, ma'am." Jack replied honestly.

        "That doesn't matter, Sami. This is a family trip. She's supposed to spend time with her family." Her father said, clearly irritated.

        "The girl has spent the past four and a half hours with us, Parker. She deserves a break." Sami turned to Ryan. "Go on. Have fun. Just be safe."

        "Thanks, Sami." Ryan said with a smile, putt her had back on Jack's shoulder. Her father walked back to the trailer, clearly unhappy, and Ryan knew this wasn't over.

        "I'll talk to him, don't worry." Sami said, sensing Ryan's worries.

        "Thank you."

        Jack was right when he said to hold on to him. By the time they passed the sheep and stopped at a little stream, Ryan was holding on to him for dear life. she climbed off, taking off the helmet, her shoes, and socks and left them on the back of the  ATV. Walking until the water reached her mid-thigh. soon joined by Jack, she suddenly felt a splash of cool water on her back. As she let out a yelp of surprise, she turned to see Jack bent over in laughter. Smirking, she cupped her hand in the water and flung it at Jack's face. Now, it was her turn to laugh as he stood in shock. As it turned into a water fight, they both became soaked with water. Laying in the sun, trying to get as dry as possible, they began talking and getting to know eachother.

        "Favortie kind of music?" Ryan asked as she stared up at the clouds.

        "Mostly rock and metal. What about you?" He asked looking towards her, something shiny catching his eye.

        "I like rock and metal too. There are occasionally a few songs that are either pop or slow songs that I like, but not many."

        "Cool..." Jack replied sounding distracted.

        "Your turn." Ryan waited and when Jack didn't say anything, she sat up and looked towards him. "You okay?" Instead of answering, he asked a question.

        "What's that?" He pointed to the silver chain falling from her front pocket. On instinct, she shoved it deeper into her pocket.

        "N-nothing..." she trailed off, but soon felt Jack's hand pulling hers from her pocet. Before she could hide the shape hanging from it, he had already seen it.

        "Half a red sun..." he mumbled as he looked to her eyes. He quickly let her hand go and stood, trying to get something from his pocket.

        "What're you doing?" She asked. As he found what he needed, he pulled her necklace from her hand and held his shape to hers.

        "My wish came true." He said with the biggest smile. "They match."

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