Chapter 3

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The very next day I was woken up at 6:00 for the school bus to arrive. The school bus didn't arrive till 7:15 so I had plenty of time to get ready. I ate my breakfast and by the time I took a shower they went down to milk cows without saying a goodbye.

I went to watch TV for a while and then I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and it was a person with a package and a piece of paper.

"Is your momma around young sir." asked the guy. "She ordered this package for you. Can you sign this for her."


I signed the piece of paper then all of a sudden the box moved.

"You have a good one."

"You too."

I went to open the box and I just seen a whole bunch of parts and a manual. "What does it say?" I asked myself as I looked at the manual. "Looks like a table manual but we already have one...."

The bus came and I got on as I went to school very tired from the night before. I didn't get to bed till one o'clock and I only got five hours of sleep. I went to sleep on the bus and was still tired as I got to school. I went to first hour class to sit by Ryan and Aaron.

"Dude do you play football at all?" asked Ryan. "We need a wide receiver dude, at least with Aaron's good arm."

"We got Caden, Ryan." said Aaron. "Well do ya?"

"Not really I am not into football like I used to be, especially with injuries." I said looking at Aaron. "I quit last year and then I just helped the football team for the rest of the year."

I went to the next class which included 9th grade and a couple of 10th graders. It was Algebra I and I was hoping to get my least favorite class out of the way.

"Anyone know what this is......" asked the teacher. "This is a two step equation, it takes two steps to solve, for instance......"

"Come on go do it you only have one chance."

"No I have no choice I have to keep quiet."

"Okay then shut up you won't."

"You shut up."

The conversation went on between two students got too hilarious and half the class started laughing. The teacher turned around and looked at us with a serious face. "Who did it. Huh, who did it?"

No one answered but the silence of animals outside the window. Everyone was dead silent because he was an awful teacher as some people say. He was known for his seriousness and his ways for getting students detentions. I kept quiet and I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I went off to the bathroom and there was a buzz on my wrist.

"Hello who is this?" I asked. "How am I talking to a wristband, am I going mad?"

"No we got a favor to ask." said Alpha. "Some wolf pack has a problem and we need you to help."

"I can't get out of school how am I going to get out of school?" I asked.

"Let me help you." Alpha teleported me to his presence. "Now a pack over on the other side of the world has some problem with a tiger and we need you to help."

"Now where do I come in I've been a wolf for only three days you know."

"I know but you have the potential to bring peace to them and they need your help now before we send you, you might notice a few things." Alpha started explaining. "First off, sickness from teleportation and two, a new power you will figure out, now we must send you over there."

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