Chapter two ~ It's The Truth

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"What's wrong, baby? You haven't spoken a word since we left the school." Becky said, putting her left hand on my thigh. "You still want to come over, right?"

"Actually, I'm not feeling up for it today. I'm sorry, but can you drive me home?" I said, my mind drifting back to the color of diamonds that seemed to thrive in Phil's eyes and the coal colored hair that framed them so perfectly.

"Why not? I feel like you're growing further and further away from me. I don't even remember the last time you kissed me!" She said, sounding genuinely hurt.

"How is this my fault? I saw you wink at Phil when we were leaving I'm not as stupid as you think, believe it ir not. You've been flirting at any boy that will even look your way for the past three months! Don't try to blame everything on me, when you are the one who needs to calm down." I retorted, letting go all the feelings that I didn't even know I have been holding onto for so long.

"This is not at all my fault! I love you and only you!" She lied, trying not to let her thoughts get the best of her, even she knew what I was saying is true.

"Just get me home please Becky, I'm tired of fighting with you." I spoke softly, feeling a headache beginning.

"Fine, whatever. Here's your house, now get out of my car you ass." Becky said so harshly that you can tell she didn't really care about my feelings.

Her tone of voice never changed from an uncaring monotone as she said that. Her voice usually was sickly sweet, like a sieren in old Greek mythology. According to the myths, they used their beautiful voices to hypnotize sailors to crash their boats into the rocky shores of the nearby islands, effectively destroying the ships and killing all the sailors. The only way to evade death was to put wax in your ears so you couldn't hear the songs. I feel like i am the only person who hasn't fallen for her devious ways yet. I even saw her wink at Phil for gods sake! Great, now Becky is going to break up with me and go out with Phil. I knew our relationship wasn't going to last very long from the beginning and never really cared about her in the way that all the other boys at my school did, but needless to say I am surprised as to how long I have managed to keep her from getting bored of me, though I think my time is almost up. Honestly, I want to have an excuse to break up with her because rumours will be spread if anyone found out the real reason why I was leaving her.

"Thanks." I said, tired of all the fighting.

"Can you get out now, please?" She snaps, flashing me an evil glance and trying not to sound too annoyed.

"With pleasure." I reply, not bothering to turn around and see the look of disgust plastered on her face. I grab my bag and slam the door, and watch her speed away. I start to slowly amble to the house at the end of the gravel driveway. The house wasn't extremely fancy, but it wasn't that bad either. It has two stories and a big backyard, but my room is the best part of the house by far. It's located on the second story and has a huge window where you can see everyone all around the street, and up and down quite a ways. "Mum! I'm home!" I yell out as I enter through the front door.

"Took you long enough! Tell me, how was your day? I missed you like crazy." She exclaimed as she pulled me into a huge bear hug. "And how did things go with loverboy? Did you finally gather the nerve to talk to him or did you chicken out as usual?" She sat down on the sofa and set my stuff beside her while i went to get into the cupboard and got out an asprin for my headache.

Most teenagers are supposed to feel rebellious at the age of eighteen, I know, but ever since dad left us when i was eight she has been like a sister to me. I tell her all my secrets, and she tells me all of hers. She is one of the only two people in this world that know I am gay. The other is my friend Pj, but he attended a different high school then me to pursue his love of filmmaking and i went off to the school that Phil went to, even though not many of my friends went there. I actually enjoy it more than I thought I would, even though I'm not as popular as I was in middle school.

"My day was pretty good. I talked to Phil finally after school today and he was blushing a lot and things were going great until Becky showed up and ruined everything, as usual." I replied, sitting back into the sofa next to my mom. "We got in a big fight, and she tried to blame me for not trying hard enough in our relationship, even though I saw her wink at Phil when she thought my back was turned."

"Oh, Danny, why don't you just break up with her? It's obvious that neither of you like spending time with the other, you two just barley stand each other to not break up, but she just takes up all of your time, and that time can be used to getting Phil to talk to you." My mom sounded happy at the thought of Becky and I splitting up, and even started smiling to prove my suspicions. "Besides, you and Phil sound so cute together from what you've told me. I really wish I could see him in person sometime instead of accurate description of his face and body, as strange as that sounds." She said with a huge smile in her voice before starting to giggle.

"I would like to break up with her, I really do, but I feel like everyone would treat me differently and start spreading rumors about me all about school," I said. "But don't get me wrong, I want to break up with her so badly now. I can tell she is tired of me but I think she still wants to be able to use me for popularity even though she doesn't care about my feelings anymore." I managed to get out before hearing my voice hitch and my eyes start to water. Why was I even feeling this way? I never liked the bitch in the first place.

"Oh, by poor baby. Here, how about you go work on homework in your room while I make dinner?" My mom said, clearly understanding that I didn't want to talk about this subject anymore.

"Ok, sure mom. Have fun!" I joke. She laughs and stands up.

I grab my bag off the floor from where i dropped it earlier and pretty much sprinted upstairs to my room at the end of the hallway. I grabbed my laptop and promised myself to do my homework, but as usual, ended up spending all of my time in tumblr.

"Dan, sweetie, dinner is ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen, even though the sweet tendrils of the cooked food were making their way up into my room already.

Just as I was about to go downstairs and join my mom for dinner, I saw something, or someone,  that caught my eye. It was a video showing a picture of a boy with dark black hair and bright blue eyes in a pikachu onesie. He looked familiar, but Dan couldn't put a finger on it just yet. He shut his laptop when finally, he recognized that face. But...could it possibly be...Phil?

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