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hihihii!1!! so first of all, i have been planning on starting a new story!!1! it's mainly going to based around lucy. i have no clue when it'll publish but here's some details before you read friends like us...

story name: faded smile
based around: lucy
main ship: nalu

don't worry, this story will still continue! i will still be uploading at like midnight though so...

anyways, i hope you guys check out the story and yee :)


natsu's p.o.v:

there was nothing to explain about the next day. it was basically what sting told me, he was pushing around lucy. i didn't do anything because i had a lot of thoughts. first being, how the hell did he know my secret?

then one day, i kind of got sick of sting pushing around lucy. i walked over there and gave sting a punch.

"are you actually trying to fuck with me?" i asked sting. "she clearly isn't interested, so why don't you just take a hint."

sting chuckled. "if you keep up what you're doing natsu, i'll have to reveal your secret."


"do it! i don't give one fuck!" i blurted out.

i smirked.

"i'll do it when lisanna gets back. enjoy the rest 2 weeks keeping it to yourself."

i laughed. "i will enjoy it."

sting walked off.

"hey, thanks natsu." lucy gave me a hug.

i smiled and hugged her back. "it wasn't a problem."

"crap!" lucy checked the time on her phone. "i have to be at the library with levy! i'll see you later, natsu!"

"yeah it's probably a good idea to get to class." i nodded. "see ya, luce!"

she ran off to the library.

i smiled.

do it sting, reveal my secret.

lucy's p.o.v:

"lucy!" i heard levy calling my name.

"sorry i'm late levy," i was out of breath. "something happened."

"i heard," levy laughed a bit. "erza came by and told me. you know, i think natsu's got a thing for you."

i blushed. it looked like ezra's hair. "nononono! i don't think he does levy!" i nervously laughed.

levy looked at me. "sure he doesn't lucy. now come on, help me put these books away!"

"r-right!" i ran to help her.

the next hour was just putting books away and reading the backs of them. and if we liked them, we put them down in a different pile. and to not get the books we wanted to read mixed up, we put them in two separate piles. my pile, and levy's pile.

once we were done putting the books back levy picked up the books she wanted to checkout. keep in mind, she was carrying a stack with more than 10 books towards the desk. which is across the room.

as levy was walking to the desk, the books tilted backwards causing levy to almost fall. i quickly ran to help her.

"thanks lu." she laughed nervously.

"not a problem." i assured her.

we checked out her books and carried some back to her locker. she waved goodbye to me and grabbed her stuff for her next class. i waved goodbye back and ran to the library to check out my books.

as i was running back, i thought of what levy said.

what if what she said was true?

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