The time have its own tricks

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Sometime someone you love have does not stay in your life ,

but sucks the life from the heart,

 and leaves only empty heartbeats,

sometime someone you love in such a way that ,

you have no heart to love someone else, 

that empty heartbeats slowly breaks the walls of your heart ,

sometime someone's presence itself gives such pain ,

that the walls breaks ,

to let the pain go you leave that someone once again;

sometime someone becomes the only pain that cannot be forgotten, 

even if you join that broken pieces and keep breathing ;

that pain burns the broken heart from inside,

 and scars left to remind you of that someone,

Sometime someone you love, 

even if you move on, 

wait for the right time to be loved again, 

but time plays a wicked trick to make you feel the love again once you felt,

sometime someone will love you again after a span of time, 

the wait for that someone will be fruitful,

the wait for love will end on that day, 

yes someone will love you fiercely,

 passionately and hold you tight, 

never let you go,

someone will love you so much that ,

you finally feel the lost puzzle of your soul ,

join and sealed with the love of someone

Sometime someone you love such that,

dreams and illusions are the only pills ,

that helps to wait for that someone ;

sometime someone you love so much that,

 it does not matter, 

that someone is just a part of your real and part of your dream,

sometime someone will be back ? ,

Will my dream ever come true ?

Sometime someone is part of my real, and part of my dream

sometime someone is half existence ,and half illusion created by me

Sometime someone will love me one day is a beautiful lie of hope ,

that time tricks me, but truth by the almighty ,

that someone is just an illusion.

Sometimes Someone - Unrequited Love PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now