Puppet of Time

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Sometimes loving someone is the most different feeling ,

where it takes to a whole new world,

sometimes loving someone is such that,

 you do not have any need to feel love for any other person,

sometimes someone has become such a part of your life ,

it makes you wonder whether living this life is the truth ,

or loving that life with someone is true?,

Yes, the love for someone makes you feel like living a dual lifetime,

for some time you live with the present moments,

 but for the next time you feel like to make some new moments with loving that someone,

sometimes someone has become such a reality ,

which is an illusion for all but dual life with someone,

could it even possible to love someone such that,

 you choose to live life alone, 

longing for the love of that someone for your whole life? ,

Sometimes loving someone feels like 

waiting patiently for the rain of spring in the Sahara desert, 

even if it's not possible, 

but the desert does not feel any harm by nature to wait ,

till that moment to feel all the tiny drops of rain,

sometimes someone is not so a special person in your eyes ,

but that someone may not be an ordinary person ,

who has the power to make you feel the love,

which makes you wait till the end of time only to be loved in return,

sometimes loving someone makes you so helpless ,

that you beg the time to make the distance less ,

only to feel that rain of love for your deserted soul,

yes and yes, because loving someone is not bearable by heart anymore, 

hence the soul carries the deserted pain of the heart,

sometimes loving someone by the soul is not easy,

but that won't make you love someone less ,

because the soul does not have a heartbeat, 

the soul glows in the weight of love.

Sometimes Someone - Unrequited Love PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now