A job.

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I heard a loud knock on the door and I answered it. It was mom. She had Champion and his diaper bag. She handed him to me and turned and ran off. He was cooing and slobbering all over his bib.

I kissed his little fat cheek and wiped his little mouth. He laid his head in my boob and started to fall asleep. So cute! My little brother is like the cutest baby in the entire world.

He laughs and coos and hits people. Who baby doesn't? The thing that makes my brother so special is, he doesn't like people messing with me and will throw a fit in a heartbeat. He also understands when I tell him no. He knows it means no.

He loves to eat, just like me. He loves to crawl around on me when I'm laying down or sitting. I could be sleeping and wake up with him laying in my face. I don't know why he does that. He just crawls in me and goes to sleep.

He was sleeping at the moment. I smelled something bad and it was his diaper. My mom could have at least changed him before she brought him over here. Bitch.

I changed him and put him in the crib my dad bought and put in my room.. He was asleep and snoring a little. I thought that was so cute.

I got in my bed and decided to watched Tv. I put Sponge Bob on and Champion instantly woke up. He cried because he wanted me to come get him and hold him. I gave in and picked him up and he watched TV. He clapped his little fat hands and cooed loudly.

I love my chubby little butter ball. He is so adorable and he loves to scream and make random noises. If I turn on single ladies by Beyonce, he will lose it. He coos and wiggles around. He starts laughing and smiling. It's so cute!

I kissed his cheek lifted him up. I turned him to face me and started talking to him. He smiled and started laughing.

"You my cute widdle baby ain't cha? You my adorable little butter ball? Yesh you are. Yesh you are. I wuv wuuuu!" I said before kissing and nibbling on his chubby cheeks.

He smiled showing his little dimples. He started laughing and wiggling around. He clapped his hands and cooed.

"Aaah! Gaga! Mooiiiiiinnnaaammmerrr veeeemmmoo. Aaah! Nnnnn labanoonooniiee" he said.

"I know. How did you find out about that?" I was pretending I understood what he was saying and he kept talking. I stood him up on my lap while I held him up and he continued to talk.

"Ah! Booomiiiinnnn oooorrrnnnn" he pointed at my nose.

"Whats wrong with it butter ball?" I asked. Butter ball is his nick name I gave him.

"Ih..... Moo moo!" he slapped me on my nose softly and slobbered on his bib some more.

"No! Bad butter ball." he started whining and was on the verge of tears. "Aww come here widdle baby"

I gave him a gentle hug and kissed his cheek. I got up and walked down stairs with him with his head laid on my towel covered shoulder so he wouldn't get sobber in it. I went in his diaper bag and got his formula and bottle. I made him a warm bottle and fed him. He drank away.

He finished and went back to sleep while I burped him. I held him while I got me some cookies. I sat on the couch with him and put a pillow in my lap and laid him on it. I watched Sponge Bob and ate the Oreos while lightly vibrating my leg to soothe him. He's a heavy sleeper. 

My dad walked in and held his hand out for an Oreo. He had on some red lipstick, some green eyeshadow, some black eyeliner, some blush, and had on a straight black wig. He looked just like a woman. He had his butt pads and his padded bra with a tight red dress over it. He had on some red pumps.

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