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Parents who have hired help are NOT denying the responsibility of their children, whom they love dearly. I just got off the phone with a distressed newfound mother in need of some extra relief. She told me that it's not like she birthed the kid and then decided to go back to her life beforehand. The statement caught me off-guard; I wasn't prepared for her to be so vulnerable. Who told this mother that she was less of a mother for seeking hired help? Who had shamed her to the point of insecurity?  

Ultimately, it is ALWAYS okay to ask for help. 

It is never okay to judge someone who is actively seeking help. 

Hopefully, you already know this, because they apply to mental illnesses too. 

There is no room for judgment.

The Atlanta NannyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ