New Cover

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Hey guys! I am in the process of writing a new story called Fall of the Travelers.

Here is the description:

    There used to be six of I am alone. Before I get to all of the exciting stuff, I am going to bore you with our history.
    We were called Travelers. That's what we did- travel between dimensions to keep the peace and enforce rules. Kind of like your Military, only there were six of us.
    Everything ran smoothly for a while but then rebels from each dimension started conspiring against us. They wanted what we had- the ability to go anywhere and do anything. Little did we know that would be our downfall.

I hope you are interested and want to read it. Before I can publish it, I need a cover and I am terrible at making them. If anyone is interested in making one, please DM me and we'll talk.

Thank you all so much!

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