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To caution you guys this story is in between PG-13 and probably R. It will contain occasional swearing and might contain scenes were people get horribly decapitated, also some little kids wouldn't not understand what I am talking about sometimes. So to save you guys the trouble this is a warning before to continue to read. The reason for this is because I don't want parents spamming me with death threats because their little kid just beat the living crap out of someone. I'd appreciate if you commented truthfully and with positive and negative feedback. Positive and negative feedback will improve my works in the future. Thank you so far for what you guys have done.



It is the year 2023 and the world stays in eerie silence. Nations and capitals stand alone.Global terrorists and anarchist rule the streets. Situated near the Chinese-Russian border is the world's capital, Neo-Genesis. Neo-Genesis is the selected natural leader, government and community of the world. Although Neo-Genesis is full of riches, the rest of the world lays in poverty. 

 During the WLC (World Leaders Conference) in New Avalon, three AX-Fever* bombs that were strategically placed were detonated at around 3:00pm CDT during the main event. A total of 147 people were killed and 400+ more were injured (including staff, security and politicians). Immediately after the bomb was detonated, 47 free-to-air television networks were hijacked by a terrorist organisation named "[Net-Work]". During the hijack, "[Net-Work]" broadcast a message claiming responsibility for the attack. Approximately 25 minutes later authorities regained control of the looping program. Over the next few hours "[Net-Work]" gained massive amounts of public support. The average crime rate skyrocketed. People were being killed in broad daylight. A few days after the incident the President of New Pangaea announced a new campaign. The campaign was "PROJECT Immersion."


*AX Fever is a weaponised version of the X Fever used during the Red Flag War.

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