Chapter 1: The Silhouette

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Location: Seine River, Paris

Time: 9:56 pm

Ross slowly scanned the area for his contact. It could be anyone in the busy plaza. He had his standard silenced M1911 pistol on the ready in case something didn't go down as planned. He then lowered his head to look less suspicious. At the exact moment a small man slithered next to him. None of them spoke or even glanced at each other. Ross then noticed a familiar metal against his skin. He thought it was a cheap cigarette lighter but then he heard a faint "click" and knew it was something far more dangerous.

Ross started to panic as the midget next  him held him at gun point. After 5 long seconds he whispered to Ross "Suivez moi.." which translates to "Follow me" in French.

The journey to the unknown took a mere 10 minutes. It was one of the corner shops that looked like it been abandoned a while back. The midget then pushed Ross in and locked the door behind him.

Three men stood before him. The man in the middle nodded for Ross to sit down next to the lone table in front of the three men.

The man in the middle then introduced himself as "Silhouette". He then pulled up a chair and sat opposite Ross.

He pulled out something that looked like a large microchip. "Listen Ross, we have been observing you for some time now. We know your country wants this little piece of equipment." The Silhouette spoke in a thick French accent. "But would your government risk the lives of millions for a small piece of worthless steel?" He smirked. Ross sat in silence before replying "I'm just the messenger, sir." 

The Silhouette's facial muscles strained as he gnashed his teeth, "You're lying" he spoke in a sinister tone. Ross's hands and face started to pour with sweat. He knew that he had a six-man Marine squad if things got out of hand, but he would only use it in case of a real emergency. The Silhouette then stood up and violently pulled out a large filled plastic bag.

An eerie silence filled the room as the plastic bag rolled across the small table. "Open it..." Silhouette said calmly. Ross pulled the bag closer and undid the knot that held it together. What was inside was probably the most in-human thing Ross had ever seen.

Inside the bag was the mutilated head of one of the Marines. Ross stared at it with horror. The poor Marines head was crudely cut off around the neck area. His face was stuck on his last expression, shock. The be-heading looked like it was done with a standard kitchen knife, in the most disturbing way possible. Ross immediately realised he had been part of a sick joke. But Ross never noticed his sidearm pistol missing and that it was being pointed straight at his head. A small "thawk!" echoed through the room as Ross fell backwards on his chair. The Silhouette had shot him to the side of the head so the force wouldn't kill him, but to make him suffer in his last few minutes. "Consider this a message to your officials, Ross." Silhouette whispered before he shot Ross through the heart, twice. 

Location: Seine River, Paris

Time: 8:56 am (Next day)

A massive crowd surround the middle of the intersection. Police cars and Firefighters barricaded public from entering the scene. About three hours ago, a young french man on the way to work crossed this intersection and found something horrifying. Seven headless bodies strung up by short pieces of rope. Six of those bodies wore American Marine uniforms, one of them was stripped bare. The seventh body was significant. The reason is because there was a huge "S" crudely engraved on his bare back.


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