The reality I had to face

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Memories are elapsed moments, the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience. They are beautiful. They make you remember situations you had to face, emotions you felt, people you used to love.

Chanyeol always thought about the memories in his life while walking to a special place. The place, his lover lingered for the past three years. He ambled with a weak smile on his lips, beautiful white flowers in his right hand, cold smoke left his mouth everytime he breathed out. With his left hand he straightened the scarf around his neck, nuzzling into it. He looked at the iced grass, hearing it shatter with every step he made on it. Chanyeol walked over to a certain spot, every time he saw this figure he smiled widely, his heart started to beat fast. He walked faster, it didn't matter how many times he visited this place, it didn't change any emotion and feeling inside Chanyeol's body, finally he arrived .

"Hey, missed me?" He chuckled to himself. "It's cold, isn't it? I don't know why winter had to come so soon, I'm freezing everyday. Nowaday it's hard to concentrate on work, I always have to think about you." Chanyeol sighed. "Jongin always tells me to stop because this project is important, but I can't help but think about your beauty. Of course you are handsome too, but you know the word beautiful suits you way better"

Chanyeol laughed weakly and stared and the ground. "Oh, before I forget!" He spoke fast. "These are for you. White flowers, your favourites right?"

Chanyeol bent down and laid them on the thick, ice cold beton, touching it softly with his fingers. Chanyeol stood upstraight and looked at the headstone with a weak smile, his heart beat so fast, it hurt. It hurt every day he visited Baekhyun, every moment he thought about Baekhyun, every night he cried for Baekhyun.

"I-It's cold. . I get going then. I. . I love you Baekhyun" Chanyeol turned around and walked over the iced grass, way to his car. Before leaving the ground, he turned around and took a last look at Baekhyun's grave, a single tear falling down his cheek.

"Stop this Chanyeol, he hates seeing you crying"

Memories are events from the past, moments you can't rewind, filled with people you tend to forget in a sense of time, but not for him. Park Chanyeol had one of the most beautiful, unforgettable memories, named Byun Baekhyun

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