You've become my memory

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"Chanyeol, let go off me!" An angelic voice pleased him to let him go. Only a blurry sillouette was seen.

"No, please. I can't let you go."

"It's enough, you are suffering so much. Let go of me, Chanyeol."

"Don't leave me, I'm begging you."

"Let me go."

"Please, say my name once again."

"Chanyeol. . please"

"Again" Chanyeol begged, tears falling down.

"Chanyeol. . Chanyeol"

"Chanyeol!!" A harsh voice woke him up. He was covered in sweat and tears, a daily routine.

"What, what happened?"

"Dude, you're screaming again in your dreams. You need to talk about it."

"Jongin, I'm fine."

"You're not!" Jongin yelled at him. "You cry almost every night Chanyeol, for the past four years that we have been roommates. You need to let go of him Chanyeol."

"Jongin, it's hard to forget beautiful memories."

For the past four years Chanyeol tried to forget him, him and his beauty, him and his positivy, him and his love. With Baekhyun, also Chanyeol's reason to live left him. He never felt so empty.

Chanyeol left his job, rather than leaving, he got fired. His boss said that his positivy towards everyone was gone and that he took the business down with his depression. His parents tried to encourage him but with no help.

Chanyeol felt like he went crazy, he didn't leave the house, but didn't want to stay in there either. Sometimes he even thought that he heard Baekhyun entering the house or hearing his voice, it drove him crazy.

"What if they won't like me?"

"Baekhyun, I love you, so they will love you too. Don't worry"

"Mom! Chanyeol yelled at me!"

"Chanyeol!" She pinched her sons arm. "Don't you dare raise your voice at Baekhyun."

"Am I your son or he? He never listens to me."

"I don't care, don't hurt Baekhyun." She said and hide the small boy behind her back. Baekhyun was showing Chanyeol his tongue, hugging Chanyeol's mother. "I love you mom."

"I love you too, Baekhyun" she smiled at him softly.

"Mom how are you even. ." Chanyeol talked to him self like every day. "I never had the courage to talk to you about him.

"I don't get it. We are friend for so long. Chanyeol and yet you never gave me a chance to help you. I don't think this is how a friendship works. Shouldn't we trust each other?"

"Jongin, please"

"Shut it, Chanyeol. I'm sick of this, I want you to trust me, I don't want to drown in your depression. Just tell me why-"

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