Chapter 8 - New ROOMIE

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I wake up from a noise, it was someone moving around, I open my eye lids and see Aaron moving his stuff to a room.

"Aaron?" I call out as I sat up, I was on a couch in a dorm? Weird.

He came out looking at me

"Aph! Your awake! We got here and you were still sleeping so I carried you here." I blushed, "were sharing a dorm? What happened to the girls stay in separate dorm thing?" I asked

"Oh, the girl dorm was um being used by some other people. So now we share!" He blushed, I blushed.

"Um, the bathroom is over there." He pointed to a wooden door, I nodded as he walked to a corner.

'Our'? Oh yeah, its a dorm.

At least there are two beds.

Yeah. Two.

I get up and walk to our room where all my stuff were on a bed, I'm guessing Aaron claimed the other bed.

We each had a dresser so we wouldn't have to share, oh how awkward that would be if we both saw something we weren't suppose to see.... you know what i'm saying? 

I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom, locking the door I could here Aaron shuffling around the room as soon as I walked in here, I turned on the water and take of the bandages looking at scars left on my arm, there were so many of them. 

I hopped into the shower doing the normal shower things when a huge crashing noise happened in the room. I finish washing the body soap off my body before turning off the water.

"Aaron?" I called out, but not answer. 

I was getting ready so I wrapped my towel over my body and poked my head out the door.

"Aaron?" I called out again, he was on the floor picking something up before turning his head to me.

"Aph! Um I just dropped something, no worries." I nodded before poking my head back into the bathroom finishing up what I started. 

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