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Rokki was crawling out of her skin, her heart beating a million miles a minute. thoughts on what would happened today was eating her up. would he kiss her? what if he pushed her in the lake. rokki told her self to calm down.

she was currently wearing one of her many denim shorts, but these were different because they made her booty look good, and then a yellow bikini top. yellow and blue were rokki's favorite colors, it was everywhere in her life. while she was frantically looking around for a loose white t shirt her phone dinged.

sweetpea had texted telling her he was outside
and that he wanted to come in. panic flushed over rokki's body as she ran to the door. she opened it swiftly, still in only her bikini top and shorts. sweet pea gazed over her body, taking in her figure. every ounce of it. he kept staring at her and how her skin was golden in the morning sun, how her brown eyes glistened, and her brown hair was thrown up in her iconic bun which he loved. she looked beautiful to him.

"oh my, uh hello, come in, sorry i couldn't find my shirt." she said awkwardly. rokki didn't know why he made her act like this, typically she was a badass and didn't spare many people's feelings, really the only people she cared about were her inner circle family and friends.

"you don't need one, come on." he observes her body one more time making her blush. rokki went back inside to grab her bag which had water and food, and then blankets, she went into her dads room kissed her dad on the cheek. before she could leave the room he grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"don't let him hurt you, i know he's a good guy but i'm just letting you know, not that anything will happen, but you know what i'm saying, i love you and i never want to see you that hurt over some asshole ever again." he said looking her in her eyes. rokki couldn't muster any words out of her mouth, all she could do was pull him into a hug. "i love you too dad." she kissed his cheek and walked to the door where she waved to her father before leaving.

as the two teens headed out the door, sweet pea grabbed her keys and jogged down the steps. he was wearing his usual, black pants, black t shirt, and black boots, but to top it all off his serpent jacket. she didn't know how he wasn't dying underneath all of that but she kept it to herself.

"you think your driving sweets?" rokki laughed snatching the keys from his hand and skipping to the truck. "you think you know where you're going roks?" rokki stopped dead in her tracks, she turned on her heel making her 'you're actually right' face she gives after she loses  an argument. she tossed the keys back to him and giggled.


as the teens were halfway to their destination rokki looked over at sweets, she stared at him for a while, taking in his features. how he held the steering wheel, how his eyes squinted, or how his lips parted. sweet pea knew he was staring but he had a plan, he pretended he didn't notice.

the brunette rolled down her window and stuck her hand out, the wind blew between her fingers and the sun danced on her skin. the truck came to a stop and rokki looked out through the wind shield. the quarry standing before her. she hopped out the the truck and so did sweet pea. they set up their truck, with the blankets in the bed, along with the beers and food.

rokki grabbed a beer and opened it, taking a big drink. sweet pea raised his eyebrows staring at the beauty in front of him. "what, you can't have fun without a little beer sweets." rokki chuckled tossing him one. once he opened the bottle he took a big drink aswell. they set their bottles down and leaned against the back of the truck, staring at the water. it's was around 2:00pm giving them the whole afternoon and most of the night to have fun.

rokki pushed herself off the truck and started walking towards the water. she looked back seeing sweets right where he was. "what's holding up sweets? scared of the water?" she teased. "he'll no." he he replied walking in front of the truck to change. rokki took this time to take off her shorts and throw her hair up in a bun.

sweet pea returned from the truck in his swimming shorts. rokki couldn't help but look at his toned body. "what?" he asked as he noticed she was staring at him. "um nothing." rokki looked down blushing.


the two love lost teens had been floating around, getting pruny, wrinkly, and soggy for about an hour now. they had been talking about their life and embarrassing stories.

"wait wait wait, you did what?" sweet pea laughed at what she had just told him. "i slid literally right into the stove and it shattered." rokki laughed walking to the shore. "i know crazy right." she lightly laughed. drying herself off. sweet pea adored her, her smile, her hair, her golden skin, just everything about her was perfect to him. he couldn't wait to show her how he felt about her.


the teens talked some more in the bed of the truck. rokki leaned on his bare chest and laid her head on his shoulder. she thought it was better to shoot her shot rather than be silent. it was silent for a while. the slightly tipsy teens pulled away from each other. they looked each other in the eye. something sparked between both of them.

it only took one sparkle in rokki's eye for sweetpea to do what he thought he would never do. he grabbed the sides of rokki's face, crashing their lips together. at first rokki had no idea what the fuck was going on, once she came to her senses it felt as if the moon and the sun had collided. she felt sparkles orbit around the two. she couldn't of been happier.

the raven haired boy pulled apart, putting his forehead on hers. she smiled and pecked him on the lips, only to be dragged into another long but passionate kiss. sweet pea flipped the two over so she was on her back and he was in between her legs. rokki pulled away again, putting her head on his.

"i can't do this if we're going to be nothing tomorrow, if we're going to hook up, or whatever be the ca-" rokki was cut off by sweetpea. "i like you, and not like a 'like' like you, honestly rokki i think i'm in love with you, and i don't know this could be the stupidest thing i've done, but you make me happy and you clean me up after i get in fights or trouble, you watch out for me because you know that if you don't i might not come home some day. rokki you're a bad ass and oh my god i've never been so sure about something in my whole life, and i really hate myself for saying that because of how cliche it is but fuck it, rokki  lewis fogarty will you please be my girlfriend?" sweet pea said in one breath.

"sweets, fuck!" rokki yelled at what she was about to say. she had never felt this way about someone in a long time. "i fucking. love you. fucking jesus i love you." she said pulling him back into another kiss.

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