losing my mind ;;

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Bucky kissed Tony's neck as he took his shirt off, they both kissed while "little Petey" was hearing. Tony's brain was blank, all blank. He couldn't consider anything besides feeling good.

Peter kept running back home, crying because of his father Cheating.

as he returned home he went to his dad's room and embraced Steve while saying "I'm really sorry, dad."

Steve woke up late, he saw Peter resting, as he kissed his forehead. Steve went down the stairs to check if tony and Bucky are there. Everyone was there, everyone. yet, Tony and Bucky, he thought something appalling was occurring, in light of the way that tony reliably gets in a fight, and Bucky might be kidnapped, he just overthinks.

Tony woke up to Bucky close to him, straight away he began thinking about steve, what he's done that'll hurt him on the off chance that he knew.

Tony woke Bucky up and let him know tenderly,,,

"I don't figure I can do this...It'll hurt him, Steve. I cannot sleep with you anymore. Particularly that you're his closest friend. He trusts us. I just cant, I need to go." Tony wore his clothes.

Bucky didn't let out the slightest peep, however he felt terrible for Steve. So they it to be a secret, however there comes the issue, Tony had a hickey on his neck which made him significantly more stressed.

As Tony left, he went to the drug store to get some band aid, the huge ones to cover his hickey. He was excessively afraid to go to the tower, anyway he did.

"Where were you? God, what was the deal? are you are alright? what's that on your neck?" Steve yelled worriedly. "You should realize that at whatever point you're going out, somebody must be with you." Steve got mad.

"Tune in here, old man. I can go outside at whatever point the fuck I need to, alone. All you want to do is start a fight, I'm tired of it! Do you know how much it harms me." Tony began tearing up as he went upstairs to the bedroom.

"Oh, so now you're going to cry!" Steve yelled.

The entire avengers were concerned, Steve being cruel to Tony. They unquestionably don't discover this as a healthy relationship.

This part is short, yikes! the next one will not, I promise.

thank you for reading! love you all.

unloved ;; t. starkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora