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As Tony went up upstairs to his room, he felt wiped out, he began having headaches, migraines, he's dull, he felt pain.


Tony shouted as he went to the bathroom and threw up, he began crying considerably more and saying to himself

"I'm not pregnant...just sick, please, FUCK! Steve will kill me." he cried wildly. Tony's throwing up woke Peter up, he was terrified, and inquired as to whether he was alright, however it appeared as though he wasn't, his face was all red.

Peter ran down the stairs to Steve and yelled boisterously, "dad is throwing up, he doesn't look great, he looks sick, as if he's dead. Please dad i dont want him to die " Peter cried uproariously.

Steve ran upstairs to check whats wrong with him, however it appears as though Tony locked the door. Steve demanded to open the door with the goal that he could get Tony to go to the Hospital. Tony was crying as he looked at the pregnancy test, it showed him a positive sign, which meant that he's pregnant. he didn't believe that he was pregnant however he was showing side effects of pregnancy.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." Tony shouted out uproariously as he was laying on the floor. Steve kicked the entryway open since he cares about his well-being, Steve moved toward Tony and embraced him firmly, "don't worry, I'm here." Peter had the phone on with so that he could call a doctor to help him, however Tony told him not to call the doctor, he told Peter that it isn't that big of a deal, its simply that he has food poisoning. Steve was worried over his wellbeing, yet he made him stressed and worried so he also told Peter not to call the doctor only for Tony.

Steve was kissing Tony's forehead for a really long time, now. Just so he can relax and feel great. After all that pain, torment, Tony slept. Steve carried Tony and laid him in bed, gently.

"Pete, you can go," Steve demanded "I'll take care of daddy, everything's fine. don't worry, sunshine." Steve let him know tenderly.

Peter found something lying on the floor, It looked like these pregnancy tests. Peter took it and went to his room and beginning reasoning that the dad of the child isn't Steve but Bucky, Rogers closest companion.

Peter began tearing up, realizing that if Steve found out, Tony will be in a bad position, and that it will destroy the family. Individuals will continue calling Tony a "cheater, prostitute, whore, slut and all these negative things." which may make Tony be suicidal...

>>is this part short???
*also I know males can't be pregnant lmao this story
is fiction, that's why people call it "fan fiction." just use
your imagination.*

I love you all.

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