Chapter 2

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I exhaled and payed no attention to the pretty mist floating around me before disappearing. I calmed my breathing and slowly got to work. The mist was definitely intriguing and pretty if I do say so myself.

I was more focused on getting my sniper set up and in the correct position. It's was currently 5am in the morning and I finished setting up my weapon.

"Do you have eyes on him?" I asked one of the rats I'll be killing off soon.

"He's about to enter the living room, you should spot an open window" he told me, he was correct although I had identified the window before I started setting up my sniper and contacting him.

I watched as my target slowly walks into the living room with a cup of what looks like coffee.

"There we go.....goodnight" I said with a smirk and watched him collapse onto the floor, motionless. I got up and packed my weapon away in my car and left.

I waited by my car until the guy came into sight, I led him into a near by alley and made him think I was going to pay him but in reality I grabbed my pistol and gave him a shot through the forehead.

It's been a week since I've been back in town and I heard Kook's looking for me. Ha like he'll actually find me, if he does I would've let him because there is absolutely no way that I would make myself such an easy target.

During this week I've been keeping myself busy doing jobs for boss. People could say $2,500 per job ,which is every second day, is a really good salary and I agree.

I know It's a risky thing to do when Bangtan are the kings of Seoul and I'm on their hunting grounds but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I parked my car in the garage, before getting out I lifted my coat and hoodie sleeves to caress my tattoo on my wrist.

This tattoo represents the fact that I'm still bound to the Bangtan Mafia, there's no way I could ever get rid of this tattoo. I stepped inside my home before stopping, if you're wondering what I'm doing, I kinda wanted to know why Jungkook wanted to find me so I might've let them find me?

I smiled slightly and continued on my way down the hall, not before putting my sniper away in a weaponry closet, and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed a beer and took off my cloak leaving me in my black ripped skinny jeans and black hoodie.

I walked to the living room and grunted at the 6 men scattered around on the chairs like they used to

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I walked to the living room and grunted at the 6 men scattered around on the chairs like they used to.

"I seriously need to get a better fucking lock...." I mumbled under my breath and sat down at the only chair available. Right across from Jungkook.

"Seriously? You're gone for 3 fucking YEARS!!!! And that's ALL you have to say?!?!" Screamed Jungkook, he looked like he was gonna cry.

I sighed and downed the rest of my beer and set it in the coffee table.

"Well from our last encounter, Jungkook, I didn't really think you would care if I left for a while?" I asked with an emotionless expression.

It seems that me using his full name so casually stung him, he's even worse at hiding his emotions now than he was 3 years ago.

"We are still family Jimin, don't you remember?" Asked Tae softly. To be honest, I have no grudge with BTS they are still my family, there's just one person who is an exception to that statement.

"Of course I do, you don't think I remember all those times we would just sit around and laugh our asses off, when we went on jobs and Tae and Hobi would fuck around with the earpieces? I remember it ALL" I spoke coldly, my body sat stiffly.

"Do you still have it?" Demanded RM, I silently slid my right hoodie sleeve up so they could see the tattoo of the chain wrapping around my wrist with a cross attached to it.

I ignored the sighs of relief and slid my sleeve back down, I put my arm against the arm of the chair and leaned my head in the palm of my hand.

I never had the heart to get rid of the one thing still connecting me to these people. Tattoos can mean beautiful things, this one is absolutely wonderful. Bangtan are the only family I have left because mine have been dead for a good amount of time, boss is just my boss he isn't actual family.

"Why? Why'd you leave Jimin?" Asked Hobi with a voice crack. I chuckled softly and looked each and every single one of them except Jungkook in the eye.

"Jungkook didn't tell you? Oh you naughty boy, why don't you go home and tell them the story about how you broke my heart" I spoke with a dry tone, not sounding interested in anything at all.

They all immediately got up and left dragging Jungkook by the arm.

I waited until I heard the roar of their engine and the cars sounds getting softer until I couldn't hear it anymore.

I got up with a tired sigh and began making myself some breakfast. I looked in the fridge and freezer and luck was on my side.

Eggs and bacon it was. I pulled up my sleeve so I don't get as hot when I'm cooking but remembered that I needed to pull them down later. I began everything ready but cursed when the oil popped after taking the lid off and getting small shocks on my arm.

I fucking hate oil with a passion -.- I sighed and pulled my hoodie sleeves down to protect them which is something I should've done at the start to be honest.

I stared at my food on the table with a smile before devouring it. I do believe tomorrow might be a little interesting because of all the events that have taken place today.

Two in one day? Y'all lucky❤️

Two in one day? Y'all lucky❤️

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