chapter 7

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Alison’s POV

When we walked out of the bathroom everybody stared at us. I was kind of uncomfortable but let it go. Emily saw that I felt like a total freak and grabbed my hand. “It’s okay.” She whispered to me. Her voice is so soothing. I should’ve told her that I love her much sooner. I nodded and intertwined our fingers. She gave me a reassuring smile and we walked over to the girls.

“So, you guys are, like, a thing now!” Hanna practically shouted. Spencer gave her a warning look and Aria stomped her.

“Shut it, Hanna.” Aria whispered. I blushed and rolled my eyes. Emily just laughed at them all and sat down. She’s probably used to this now.

“Thank you for letting the whole school know, Han.” I sarcastically said and laughed softly. Hanna grinned and said “No problem girls.”

Someone putted a hand on my shoulder and his other hand on Emily’s shoulder. When I turned around I saw it was Ben.

“What do you want, Ben?” Emily said already irritated. She must really hate this guy.

“Just a little chat with Mrs. DiLaurentis, that’s all.” He answered Emily and then turned to me; “So, you’re gay too? Gross.” He added while gesturing to our hands.

“I-I- eh…” I stuttered not really able to speak. Emily let go of my hand and stood up.

“Leave please.” She said trying to be polite.

He glared at her and said; “Make me.” He’s a total asshole.

“I’ll ask you one more time, please go away.” She replied while clenching her fists.

He stepped a bit closer to Emily and said daring; “I said, make me.”

With that Emily was done. She moved her hand quickly and punched him in the face.

“Don’t you ever, and I mean EVER, talk to Alison again. And now, LEAVE!” She yelled in his face. There was coming a little blood out of his mouth. Everyone was shocked by her action. Even the kids at the other tables were looking at her in shock. I didn’t expect this from her either. She was the nice one of the group… most of the time. I grabbed her hand before she could hit him again and stood up beside her. I could feel her relax a little. Ben looked at Emily in surprise and shock. “Alright, if that’s what you want princess.” He said sarcastically. Before he could turn around I hit him in the face with the palm of my hand.

“You don’t get to call her princess.” I said angrily and gestured for him to walk away.

He quickly turned around and walked to the hall. Emily and I sat down again. The girls all stare at us in disbelieve.

“What- Since when are you so aggressive, Em?” Aria asked, being able to speak first. The other girls all nodded their heads, gesturing that that was their question too.

Emily slightly grinned and said; “I can be aggressive, you just have to get me mad enough.” I looked at her in disbelieve too now. Emily? Aggressive? Yeah right.

“And why did this get you so mad?” Hanna asked curiously. She shook her head;

“I don’t know, I just really hate the guy and when he insults Alison about being gay, which kind of includes me because I’m gay too, he just crosses the line.” She answered like it’s really obvious.

“Yeah right, that’s how you’re included.” Hanna whispered thinking Emily and I couldn’t hear her.

“I can hear you, Hanna.” Emily said and she whispered a ‘damn it’ under her breath.

We both grin at that and start eating our lunch.

Emily’s POV

It was kind of funny how they all thought I wasn’t aggressive. I could be, if I wanted too. I just believe that most of the time fighting isn’t the solution. Right now, it was.

The way Alison looked at me when I said I could be pretty aggressive was too cute.

She was staring at me in disbelieve with really big eyes, her pretty blue eyes, and her mouth open a few inches. A few people were still staring at us but I just let them.

Alison kept looking at those people though.

“Are they annoying you?” I asked her not wanting her to be upset. She quickly shook her head.

“No, it’s fine, Em. Really.” She replied and stared at her food. I simply nodded and looked down at my own food. The other girls exchanged a look and then Spencer stood up.

“Hey, y’all can take a picture of us, it’ll last longer than lunch period!” she yelled.

Alison and I were shocked by this and looked around. We saw everybody looking down embarrassed and I couldn’t cover my grin.

“”Thanks Spence.” Alison said and smiled at her. Spencer smiled and sat back down.

I looked at Alison and she gave me a sweet smile. I love her smile. I smiled too and she grabbed my hand under the table. After that she leaned in and whispered in my ear “Do you want to come over tonight? Just us two.” I nodded in response and smiled. She kissed me on the cheek and sat up straight. Eventually the bell rang and we went to class. When school ended I walked out the school and was about to get in my car when Paige stopped me.

“You know she is lying right?” She said to me. What the hell?

“Who’s lying?” I asked. Like I didn’t know her answer.

“Alison! She doesn’t really love you! I do!” She shouted upset. I saw Alison standing in the door of the school from the corner of my eye. She’s watching us.

“You’ve got it wrong Paige, she does like me. And if she doesn’t, I’ll be heartbroken, again, and will be locked up in my room for as couple of weeks, again, but you know something Paige? I’ll never come running back into your arms. Do you hear me? Never.” And with that said Alison quickly came over. I smiled at her but she didn’t smile.

“You’ve got it wrong, Emily, I don’t like you.” She said seriously. My face dropped and I took a step back. “I love you, Emily, and I want you to officially be my girlfriend. So, would you like to be my girlfriend?” she asked really sweet. A tear was running down my cheek and I quickly nodded.

“Of course!” I yelled and kissed her passionately. She pulled back and smiled. I whispered; “I love you too, Alison.” And I kissed her again. Then we both realized that Paige was still standing next to us.

“What are you still doing here?” Alison asked angrily. She had every right to be mad.

“I-I-… you’re making a mistake Emily!” she shouted and then ran away.

“I don’t think so.” I whispered and opened the door of my car for Alison.

“Thank you.” She said and pecked me on the lips before she got in. I closed the door and walked to the other side of the car and got in.

Imagine Us, Together. (An Emison Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now