chapter 12

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Alison’s POV

Emily went home for a while to tell her mom she ate at my place.

I decided we could make our own pizza if she wanted that. Classy. When the doorbell rang I yelled;

“I’ll get it!” I quickly ran over to the door and saw a beautiful Emily beaming a smile at me. “Hey beautiful! Is that a new outfit?” I said and grinned. She was still wearing my clothes and I was still wearing hers. She was right, it was comfy but I was actually wearing it because they smelled like Emily.

“Yeah, got it from my girlfriend. You like it? And how about you? New outfit too?” She said grinning.

“Love it! And yeah, got it from my gorgeous girlfriend too.” I said while stepping closer to her. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and pulled her inside.

“Is your dad home?” she suddenly asked. Oh crap that’s right! I didn’t tell my father yet. Well, that’s going to happen tonight I guess.

“Yes. I just thought of that…” I whispered. “So you can choose, we can act like best friends and make our own pizzas or we’ll tell him right now.” I added hoping she’d choose the last one.

“You should really choose this one yourself. It was tough for me to tell my dad, I can imagine how it is for you.” She said and put a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Well… let’s go then!” I said and I pulled her with me into the living room.

“Oh hello Emily. How are you?” Mr. DiLaurentis said and smiled.

“I-I am fine thanks. How are you?” she asked when I pushed her on the couch and sat down next to her.

“Fine, thank you for asking.” He answered and then he noticed the nervous look on her face. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No, dad, I just want to tell you something… I… I’m in love with… w-with Emily.” I said stuttering a little. He got this amazed look on his face and stared at me and then he stared at Emily for a while which made her a little uncomfortable.

“You’re gay? And you love Emily?” he said confused.

“Well… yeah.” I said and grabbed Em’s hand. “Is it okay with you if we date?” I asked nervously. Emily’s eyes met mine and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

“Well… Emily? Do you love her? What does your mom think of this?” he asked being a protective dad.

“Actually I have been since I met her, Mr. DiLaurentis.” She said and looked at her insecure. “And, my mom knows I’m gay, so there’s not much of a difference for her if I’m dating Alison or another girl. She doesn’t know yet, though”

“Oh… Well, that’s a long time. Are you sure it didn’t fade?” he asked.

She chuckled. “Pretty sure, sir.” She answered.

“Well, then I don’t see a problem in you two dating.” He said slowly. I let out breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. Emily sighed relieved too.

“Thank you dad. I really love her.” I said and smiled. Em nodded in agreement.

“Eh, no problem, I guess.” He said and grabbed his paper. We were about to leave the room when he said,

“Oh and Emily? Don’t hurt her. You’ll have a huge problem.”

“I would never hurt her sir.” She replied and he nodded. We quickly went out of the room and went upstairs. We closed the door behind us and laughed in relieve.

“He just approved the both of us!” Emily yelled happily. I smiled. Her parents weren’t happy with her being gay, so anyone besides her friends and girlfriends never really approved her.

“I know!” I yelled and hugged her. She pushed me against the door and kissed me forcefully.

Emily’s POV

I was so happy that we were allowed to date. Although we already dated it was relieving to know her father was okay with it, with her, with me, with us. I was kissing her and she removed my jacket. I did the same with hers and she pushed me over to the bed. I took her shirt off and kissed her neck. She quickly pulled my dress over my head, too. I kissed her on her mouth again and then all of a sudden Alison’s phone rang.

“Seriously?!” I yelled and lay down beside her. She grabbed her phone and read the text. It was a picture of me taking her shirt off and the text said ‘I told you, you’ll never be happy. Not while I’m around. I already send this to your friends; want the whole school to see it? Just continue. –A”

“Well, that’s one way to ruin a moment.” I mocked and Alison putted her phone back down.

“I know right? I hate –A!” she yelled and then she grabbed her phone again.

“What’re you doing?” I asked her and looked whom she was texting.

“Just asking the girls if they really got a text and if they can send us whatever they got.” She said. The girls quickly texted back the pictures they got. They were of me kissing Ali against the door, me removing Ali’s shirt and Ali removing my dress. Hanna send ‘Sexy lingerie Em! Where’d ya get that? ;)’ Too. I groaned.

“This –A thing is driving me CRAZY!” I yelled and grabbed one of Ali’s pillows.

“I know, sweetie. Me too.” Alison whispered and she played with the rings on my fingers.

“The problem about that bitch is that it’s after YOU. It should’ve been after me, then I wouldn’t mind.” I said angrily.

“Em! Don’t say that please. I couldn’t stand it if –A were after you.” She said and grabbed onto my hands.

“Then you know how I feel right now.” I said and let go of her hands. I just couldn’t stand it. I bury my face in her pillow and start screaming. When I look up my vision is blurring and Ali’s voice is far away.

“Emily? Emily! Wake up!” I heard her yell and then it goes black.

When I woke up Alison was sitting next to me. We were still in her room.

“You passed out. My dad said you had some kind of panic attack. We didn’t have to take you to the hospital though.” She told me. I nodded and sat up.

“How long have I been out?” I asked her and looked at the clock. 4AM.

“Since 8PM.” She answered and lay down next to me.

“You didn’t sleep, did you?” I asked concerned. “You must be really tired!” I said and lay my hand on her cheek.

“You’re not going to school today. Neither am I. You are going to stay right here.” She put her hand on my waist. I nodded and pulled her closer. She turned and laid her head on my chest. We fell asleep like that and didn’t wake up until 11 o’clock. We’ve probably missed several calls from the girls but didn’t bother checking our phones. We stayed in bed all day curled up in each other’s arms.

Imagine Us, Together. (An Emison Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now