2-Giggles Was All I Could See.

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Thoughts of a fresh start,

But the plans didn't make it up to last.

They all watched me like a hawk,

Walking alone, I  had become a laughing stock

Giggles was all I could see.

Whispering into ears,

Things too much for me to bear.

My thundering heart beats,

Even though with most technology,

Giggles was all i could see.

Strangers came to talk,

Making monkey faces to mock.

Tears in the brim of the eyes,

Nobody  to wipe.

Thoughts over ruling my mind,

With each line drawn on the kind.

Clenching the thirst,

But lust for blood.

Before the dark divine,

For satan it was time for me,

Giggles was last thing i could see.

(All rights reserved) 

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