Chapter 3: Aquadia

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I don't what happened after that, but when I came to, I was lying on the ground staring up at a rocky ceiling with stalactites. There was also sunlight coming from a big hole on the ceiling. From the looks of things, I was inside of a cave. I sat up and looked around trying to figure out where I was and how I got here, but nothing really came to mind.

Then it slowly started to come back to me. I was attacked by that creature from before and it was about to kill me. Then the creature ran away and then I saw a dragon. A dragon?

"There's no way... I couldn't have seen a dragon...could I?" I thought.

I've heard tales about dragons, but all the people say that they were just a myth. It was possible that I could have dreampt being attacked by that creature and being saved by that dragon. Then again, I didn't dream about everything else. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. It hurt so I wasn't dreaming.

Then I heard the sound of flapping wings. There were coming closer and closer to where I was. I instinctively got scared and hid behind a couple of rocks. Then a gust of wind blew through the caves. After that I heard a loud thump that shook the entire cave and after a while the shaking stopped. I nervously peeped out from behind the rock and I saw it.

There it was. The same blue dragon I saw that saved me from that creature before. A real live dragon.

"So... I just wasn't dreaming. The dragon that saved me... was real."

The dragon had touched down in the cave went to the far corner of the cave, carrying a large fish in it's mouth. It set the fish on the ground and grabbed a large stick. It seemed to be doing something. I tried to get a look at what it was doing, but I couldn't tell.

The dragon took the stick and put it through the fish. Then the dragon to the stick next to the pile of sticks. From the looks of things, the dragon seemed to be getting ready to cook the fish over a fire. The dragon took two big boulders and began rubbing them together trying to make a spark to make the fire. It took a few tries, but it managed to get the fire going.

This surprised me. I never thought a dragon would be smart enough to build a fire. To be honest from what my Mama told me in books she read for bedtime stories, the dragons in the stories were violent, scary, and breathe fire. This one was nothing the like those dragons. It was smarter and different from the others.

Suddenly the dragon looked around back and forth and started looking for something. It sniffed around trying to find whatever it was looking for. At first, I couldn't figure out what it was looking for, but then it came to where I was laying on a few minutes ago. Then I realized it was looking for me and I could think of one reason why. To have me for breakfast.

"That must have been why it saved me," I thought. " It didn't want that other creature to get me first she could have me for breakfast!"

The mere thought of it made me tremble. I think I would have preferred the creature from before. I hadt to get out here before that dragon had a chance to find me. I looked around trying to find a possible escape route. I couldn't get out through the roof because it was too high and there weren't any other openings inside from what I could tell.

Then I saw my escape route. There was an opening on the other side of the cave on my left. If I played my cards right, I should be able to sneak past the dragon and get out of there before it had a chance to find me. I waited till the dragon had it's back turned and then while hiding behind the rocks, I quietly tip-toed towards the entrance to the cave. The dragon was still searching as I quietly made my way towards the entrance of the cave.

Little by little, feet by feet, the entrance of the cave grew closer and closer and it seemed that I was gonna make it. Then as I went past a boulder, a little piece of the rock I passed fell. When it hit the ground, the sound echoed around the cave. To make things worse, the dragon heard it and looked towards my direction. I quickly hid behind the boulder and covered my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. My heart was beating like a jackhammer and was so loud, anyone could have heard it.

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