Chapter 15: You're Not Alone

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Finn and I stared at Lisanna, both of our eyes being wide.

"Lisanna, are you sure?" I asked. "Maybe Mira is running late or something?"

"No. We know something is wrong," said Lisanna. "Mira always comes home close to around this time."

"Yeah, but she's later than usual. She never takes this long even when she takes a big job."

We both looked at each other, then Finn turned to Lisanna.

"OK. I'll look for your sister. She should be somewhere in the forest. You kids try to see if anyone else has seen her."

Finn ran off toward the forest, leaving me with Lisanna and Elfman. I wanted to help too, but at the same time, I kind of didn't want to either, considering the fact Mira hasn't exactly been very kind to me. Then someone's hand holding my own. I looked down to find the hand belonged to Lisanna, who was looking at me with sad eyes.

"Willy... Will you please go help Finn?" she asked.

"Me? But I..."

"I know that she hasn't been nice to you, but she's a good person."

"Yeah," added Elfman. "Besides you and Finn can cover more ground if there are two of you looking. We can go around the village and ask anyone if they've seen her."

"But..." I stuttered.

"Please, Willy..." begged Lisanna, her eyes slightly welling with tears. "Please help find her..."

I stared at Lisanna right in the eyes. The hesitation I had before vanished. I bent down, kneeled, and hugged both Elfman and Lisanna.

"OK. I'll go. I'll find help Mira and bring her home. I promise you as your friend."

Lisanna and Elfman hugged back. When we separated, I headed for the direction where Finn went while Lisanna and Elfman went to ask the people if they have seen Mira. I didn't know how much help I would be, but I knew that I had to try. I was doing this for my friends, and I wasn't gonna let them down.



Finn eventually made his way to the edge of the forest, where Mira had gone for her job. He looked around, trying to find her as he walked, but she wasn't anywhere around.

"Damn it all. I knew this would happen," Finn thought to himself. "I told that girl not to do these kinds of things on her own. For all I know, she could be hurt somewhere with no one to help her. I've got to find her."

But even Finn knew that this wasn't going to be an easy task, despite looking for one person.

"I should have asked one of the kids to help me. Perhaps then the search will be a lot faster." He then shook his head. "No. They're just kids. Besides, I should get the Master to help me. She would be the perfect person to ask for help in this situation."

Then he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"Finn! Finn, wait up!"

"What the...?"

He turned around, wondering who was calling him. He then saw something coming towards him, causing him to squint his eyes, trying to get a better look at who it was. At first, I didn't know who it was, but then the person following him emerged from the shadows, and Finn then knew who it was.




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