Chapter 6: Thank You

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The next day, it was bright and sunny, the ocean's waves were washing up on the shore, a nice day for a day at the beach. But for me, it was a day of training. I stood on the beach with Aquadia ready for my next lesson in water dragon magic.

"Okay Willy. Are you ready for your next lesson?" asked Aquadia.

"Yes Mama," I answered. "I'm ready."

"Now this part of the training might be a little difficult for you, but I believe with practice you'll be able to master this," continued Aquadia. "For your next lesson, we're going swimming."

"Swimming?" I asked feeling a little puzzled. "But...Mama? I thought that l was learning magic."

Aquadia laughed. "You are, but today's lesson requires you to swim. It's okay. We won't fooling around or anything like that. You'll get your lesson. Now come on, in the water."

"Okay Mama."

And so, Aquadia stepped into the water with me following close behind her. We both swam until were a distance until were a few miles away from the shore.

"All right Willy. Let's get started," said Aquadia. "First before we get started, how long can you stay underwater?"

"Hmm...," I thought. "I guess I can hold my breath for a few minutes if that's what you mean Mama."

"Let's see you do it," said Aquadia. "Show me how long you can stay underwater."


I took a deep breath and went into the water. I swam a couple feet and I held my breath. I stayed under the water for about ten minutes or so before couldn't hold my breath anymore. I went back up to the surface gasping for air.

"Whew. How was that Mama?"

"Hmm. Not bad. Pretty good."

"Mama, does this have anything to do with my lesson?" I asked.

"Yes. For your lesson today, I'm going to teach you how to breathe underwater and improve your swimming capability," said Aquadia. "In order to master water dragon magic, you have to learn to not only swim in it, but breathe it as well. Once you learn to breathe water, you'll be able to learn certain spells and in addition be able to stay underwater longer and improve your swimming. So today, I'm going to teach you how to breathe underwater."

I nodded understanding what Aquadia was telling me, but at the same time was a little worried. Humans are good for swimming, but aren't exactly built to breathe underwater.

"But Mama... I won't drown will I? I'm good at swimming, but I can't breathe underwater."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. You do have the power to breathe underwater. You just need to learn how to. When I awoke your magic power using mine, I was able to grant you the characteristics of a water dragon, including lungs that allow you to spew and breathe water."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. So don't worry. I'll be right with you. I promise I'll make sure that nothing happens to you."

I was a bit hesitant at first, but I felt a little less worried now. I knew if anything were to happen, Aquadia would be there to save me just like she did back when she found me.

"OK Mama. I'll do my best! Please teach me." I said.

Aquadia smiled. "Very well then. Let's get started. We'll both dive underwater and I'll tell you what to do. If you need to take a breather, feel free to do so. Are you ready?"

"Yes Mama."

Aquadia nodded and went into the water. I followed suit by taking a deep breath and dove in after her. When I was underwater I looked around to try and find her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Then suddenly I heard her voice.

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