Chapter Five

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Peter POV

I felt a pain in my stomach and started panicking when I couldn't see anything. I started flinging my arms at darkness trying to feel for anything, anyone.

"Kid calm down. You're okay!" Tony's voice yelled at me.

I slowed my motions and breathing when I felt a sharp jab in my shoulder. I shoot my eyes open and flung up into a sitting position panting heavily. I shielded my eyes from the blinding light and looked for Tony or Bruce.

"Hey kid how are you feeling?" Tony asked from right next to me.

"Mmhm better," I said noticing that I didn't feel like throwing up anymore.

"I'm just going to draw some blood real fast, okay?" Bruce asked as he walked over to me holding a big needle.

I nodded slowly preparing myself for the pain to strike me. I yelped as he pushed the giant needle into my shoulder and drew out blood.

"You're okay Pete. See the needle is out. Bruce check the blood work on that," Tony muttered turning to Bruce.

Bruce nodded and started working on reading the sample while I sat and stared at Tony.

"You'll be okay kid. This cure should work and we can get you back on your feet and kicking butt again," Tony said looking at me reassuringly.

"I know it will work," I said hoarsely, nodding at him happily.

"How do you know it will work?" Tony asked questioningly not quite comprehending how I could be so sure.

"Because you made it and I trust you," I mumbled my eyes fixing on Bruce as he worked on the sample.

Tony POV

The kid woke up with a jump. I almost cried when I saw him awake. He was pale, sweaty, and if this cure didn't work now he would probably die from the lack of food in his body. I made light chat with him and waited for Bruce to come and take the blood out of the kid. When Bruce drew the blood from the skeleton of a kid, I started sweating wondering if it was going to work. He yelped when the needle went into his shoulder and I winced that he was in pain.

"You'll be okay kid. This cure should work and we can get you back on your feet and kicking butt again," I said trying to sound reassuring.

"I know it will work," the kid muttered hoarsely at me.

"How do you know it will work?" I asked wondering how a kid, who was practically on his death bed, could be so sure that the cure would work.

"Because you made it and I trust you," he said smiling at me briefly before staring at Bruce waiting for the results.

I felt my heart literally melt in my chest at the words the kid spoke. I couldn't believe he was able to trust me that much even though I had let him down more than once. Feeling restless I got up on my feet and walked over to the see the blood results. I read what it said and practically fainted with relief.

"The DNA seems to be intact and the virus is gone. Pete you're going to be okay!" I practically yelled in the poor kids face.

His face lit up like Christmas and the sparkle in his eyes returned. I laughed at his expression and jumped down next to him before pulling him into a Tony Stark bear hug. The kid laughed and hugged back with a stronger grip than me.

"Okay kid don't break me," I muttered laughing at his playfulness.

"Sorry Tony. I can't help it I'm just so grateful that you figured this out, but then again your Tony freaking Stark of course you would find a cure!" He said smiling at me like a dork.

"Your darn right I'm Tony Stark!"

He laughed at me and snuggled into my chest.

"Kid don't fall asleep on me yet. We need to get you upstairs to get food," I said while rubbing my hand through his curls.

"Okay," he said softly before sitting up and swinging his legs over the bed.

I stood by him and watched him hop down from the bed. He swayed a little bit, then started walking slowly to the door and up the stairs. On the way up the stairs I made sure to stay behind him in case he fell down. Suddenly the kid stopped causing me to run into him and almost knock him down onto the floor.

"What gives kid?" I asked confused by his sudden stop.

"S-sorry. Just...tired," he panted.

I facepalmed myself.

Of course the kid is tired he hasn't eaten in like three days.

"Here kid turn towards me," I said nodding at him as he slowly turned around to face me.

"Okay now I am going to pick you up and carry you the rest of the way," I said while scooping him up in my arms bridal style.

He seemed like he wanted to argue but stopped himself knowing that in the end he wouldn't make it up the stairs. I picked him up with ease and realized just how light he really was.

Oh well I will worry about that later.

I loved holding the kid as we went up to the elevator. I felt so much like a father it was unbearable. But he isn't my kid. We get to the kitchen and I gently set him down on a stool. Bucky and Loki are there also preparing some food by the looks of it.

"Hey ki-" Bucky starts but chokes on his words as he eyes Peter.

"What the hell did you do to Peter!" Loki practically screams while jumping at me.

"N-Nothing Loki," I gasped, "he got a virus implanted in him, the virus starved him."

Loki and Bucky seemed to understand a little better. Loki pulled himself off of me and apologized before walking over to Peter.

Loki POV

I realized what Stark was saying and quickly composed myself before walking back over to the kid who seemed slightly dazed from lack of food.

"Hello Peter, what do you want to eat?" I asked trying to keep my facial expression passive.

"Can I please have.... stew?" He asked with big innocent eyes.

How can this kid stay so polite this close to death? I can't even do that on a good day!

I nodded, went to the metal cooling box and took out a plastic box filled with he substance humans call 'stew'.

I put the white thing in the heating up thingy (microwave) and waited. When it was done I gave the finished product to Peter along with a round fork called a spoon.

"Here you go buddy," I said smiling as he dug into the brown slop.

He ate half of it when he finally muttered that he was full.

"Are you sure you don't want more?" Bucky asked questioningly because the kid usually ate two times that amount on a regular day.

"Ya I'm sure. Thank you so much for the food Loki," he said smiling at me with a broad grin.

"Any time," I muttered back at the little earthling.

Bucky went to Peter and told him that he should get some rest. On that note Stark grabbed the kid and took him downstairs again, no doubt to run some more tests on him. I sighed as they walked away.

"Dang I thought you were cold hearted and didn't like anyone," Bucky said looking at me while laughing at how I had treated Peter.

"You know I could say the same about you," I shot back smirking as his expression fell.

"Hey play nice," he muttered frowning.

"Whatever. Anyways you said you wanted to show me a movie? I have the popped corn ready."

"Ya come on," he said gesturing to the couch and waiting for me to sit before plopping down himself.

"Friday turn on Princess Diaries," Bucky yelled at the robotic human in the roof.

"Yes Sir."


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