Chapter Thirteen

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Tony POV

I was almost to the storage area when Peter's signal went blank. I knew we had to hurry because who knows what Dr. Octavius could be doing with him or to him. I flew faster and faster and finally made it to the storage area.

"Avengers I'm here. Peter's signal went dead, we are going to have to sweep the area," I muttered into the coms as I scanned the building.

"Tony that building is twenty stories high and has a million storage units. Will we do it in enough time?" Steve replied back through the coms.

"We have to it's the only way we will find the kid at all," Wanda said.

"I'm going in," I said while walking near the front door.

"Tony wait for backup!" Bucky yelled.

"No, they have my son."

Peter POV

"So where is a weak spot on Tony's suit?"

He had been asking me questions all day. My torso was torn up and covered in blood while my arms were also scratched on. He was about to introduce me to a new hurt as soon as I didn't answer this question, great.

"I'm not going to tell you," I panted.

"That's what I thought," he laughed menacingly before exiting the room.

I had to find a way to get out. My arms were basically useless by this point and I didn't know how far my legs could take me. I was hoping and praying that one of the Avengers was right outside that door waiting for me.

The doctor came back into the room with a wrench.

"That doesn't look new at all," I muttered laughing slightly.

"How long does it take to heal broken limbs? For you I know that it takes a couple of days, right?"

I nodded my head trying to follow what he was saying.

"Okay well I want to test something," he said smiling at me.

He walked over to me and slammed the wrench down on my wrist. I screamed as I heard a defying crack echo through the room. He smiled and brought out a knife cutting right over the area where my bone had just broken.

"Let's see how this heals for you," he said as he opened the wound.

I looked down and saw my bone through my skin, defiantly broke. He then got a tool and touched my bone before pulling it out through my skin. He was going to test if my bone healed back in place or out of my skin. I looked down at the broken bone that was sticking out of my skin and suddenly black dots coated my vision.

"Have a nice sleep spider," he laughed as my world turned dark.

Tony POV

"He has to be here somewhere," I muttered starting to get frustrated.

"Tony we can come back later, we have been here for at least two days by now," Steve sighed.

We got there in the morning and had been searching it until night fall the next day. I wasn't ready to give up yet my kid was still in there somewhere.

"No we need to find him! Who knows what the Doctor is doing to him right now," I yelled while running through the bottom floor of the building.
Suddenly I hear what sounds like scream from bellow me.

"Steve, Bucky, Loki get down here now!" I whispered through the coms as I started making my way to the stairs.

I ran down to the lowest level and started looking around. I heard Steve, Bucky, and Loki making their way towards me but I kept going at a fast pace not waiting for them. I'm at the end of the hall when I finally see a door, two doors.

"Tony," Bucky whispers.

"What? Can't you see I'm about to break open this door," I mutter getting frustrated that they are stalling me.

"Let Loki look through both doors first. Most likely one of them is an observation area and the other one is where Peter is. If you break down Peter's door first they will know something is wrong and attack us, but if we get the observation room first then we can take them down swiftly with out the danger of harming Peter," Bucky said reasonably.

"Not a bad plan actually," I muttered realizing the brilliance in the plan Bucky came up with.

We move aside from the doors and let Loki to the front. He uses his magic and looks through both doors. After a few minutes he comes back to us as pale as a ghost.

"Guys Peter is not looking to hot, he is breathing but barely conscious," Loki said.

"What about the doors? Which is the observation area?" I say trying not to have a panic attack right now.

"The d-door closest to us is the ob-observation r-r-room," Loki stuttered out pointing to the door.

We all ran to the door and burst through it. We were immediately attacked by ten soldiers and the Doctor. I was able to immediately shoot down five of the men and knock them out. Steve and Bucky took on the rest of the soldiers while Loki went to the Doctor. I stood behind Loki as backup and when Bucky and Steve finished they did as well.

"Surrender now," Loki said.

"Why now?" Dr. Octavius said as he lunged at us.

He grabbed steve by the waist and held him up high above the ground. Steve thrashed around but it was no use. He then grabbed Bucky and I throwing us into the air and putting one hell of a grip on us. There was one Avenger left, Loki, and one metal arm left. Loki used his magic and duplicated himself as a distraction to Dr. Octavius. He Doctor slashed and slashed when Loki suddenly popped out of no where and jumped on top of him. He placed his hands on top of where the contraption was sealed to the Doctors back and grabbed a knife slashing it off. The Doctor screamed in pain and fell to the ground as his metal arms went lifeless and fell to the floor. I ran forward after him and knocked him out with a final blast from my repulsers. I was about to hit him again when I heard a scream from the other room. I looked up to see everyone ghost pale and looking at the door Peter was behind. I quickly jumped up and sprinted to the door.

"Watch out I'm coming in kid," I screamed before I hit the lock with my repulsers.

The door screeched open and I ran inside. The room was completely dark so I turned on the lights. When everything came into view I almost fainted.

"What did they do to you?"


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