Chapter Six

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Tony POV

The kid was doing great. It had been two days since we gave him the cure and watched it work it's magic on him. He had started to eat normally again and gained some of his previously lost weight. He worked out in the training room to make himself stronger because of the illness he of course had become extremely weak. The rest of the Avengers had supported him except for Nat, Clint, Steve, and now Rhodey who were all confused as to why they were in a cell. Today was Saturday and we were getting prepared to kick Dr. Octopus' ass tomorrow.

"Hey kid how are we feeling?" I asked when he came down in the kitchen for breakfast.

"I'm great! So now that I'm one hundred percent can I go out for patrol later today?" He said quickly as he sat down on a bar stool in between Bucky and Loki.

Geez these cold hearted idiots have become really protective of the kid haven't they? It will be like hell if one of them turns on us.

I smirked at the kid and shook my head at him.

"Why don't we focus on breakfast for now?" I said handing him a bowl of cereal and some buttered toast.

He sighed at me and started to eat. Both Loki and Bucky started eating their own cereal as well but kept a weary eye on the kid. Everyone had become extremely overprotective ever since Peter was shot with that virus thingy.

"Hey Aunt May called today," I said waiting for a reaction from the kid. His Aunt hadn't called in weeks and he was worried sick about her.

"Really! How is she? How is her trip?" He asked his eyes lighting up with his usual spark that had disappeared for a long time.

"She is good. She wanted me to tell you that she is proud of how strong you are and that she can't wait to see you the beginning of next summer," I said smirking at Peters cute expression.

God there I go falling for the spider.

Peter finished his breakfast and started to talk to Bucky and Loki, who were practically his like his big brothers, about his new web fluid he designed yesterday.

"Ya I made it and it can now compress itself even more than before so I have more room in my cartridge. Also not to mention I made it color coded so during battle—"

I turned around when I noticed that the most annoying kid in Queens had shut up. I looked at him questioningly before noticing that he had gone very pale and a slight fire blazed in his eyes. I followed his gaze to the TV above me and saw none other than Dr. Octopus speaking as a normal scientist. In other words he didn't have the metal arms and was in disguise.

"Friday turn on the volume," I muttered.

"Yes Sir," she replied as the volume on the TV got louder.

We listened and watched when the news anchor said that they were in Queens at Midtown Tech.

She gave us the location of Dr. Octopus.

I looked at the kid right as the anchor finished saying other things. Peter had tensed up and was looking at the screen where it had a picture of Dr. Octopus plastered.

"Peter I know what you are thinking but-" I started saying before being so rudely cut off.

"I'm going!" He yelled at me louder than I thought he would causing Bucky and Loki to flinch away from him.

"Kid you can't go. It would be reckless and dangerous," Loki said while Bucky grabbed Peter's arm to keep him still.

"I'm going and you guys aren't stopping me!" He shouted while trying to pull Bucky's hand off of him.

"Kid stop that," Bucky said with a warning in his voice that made me flinch.

"Let go!" He shouted even louder while jumping up and trying to run towards the window. Bucky was barely clinging on.

"No you don't understand I need to go now!" He said pulling even harder than before.

I knew that Bucky would loose his grip in seconds and without Steve to help we were screwed against the little arachnid. Knowing that I had to distract him fast so that Bruce could get up here and put him to sleep I decided to start conversation, which I suck at.

"Why do you have to go Pete?" I asked trying to stop the kid from struggling.

"This is the guy that made me sick to the point of almost dying! He is walking around Queens right now and everyone is in danger. No one knows that he can kill them within seconds or that he can give them a deadly virus! If anything bad happens to those people it will be our fault. The Avengers are falling left and right into his control and we are running out of time! If we don't get him now there might not be another chance! When you can do the things that we can do but you can't and then the bad things happen it is our fault! We can't just stand here and watch him slip through our fingers again, not this time!" He practically yelled at me while unclamping Bucky's grip off himself.

"Listen kid, that was so beautiful it made me want to cry but the reality is if we go onto that battlefield and all of us go bonkers to the head, guess what? It will be seven against one. Now I don't know about you but I really don't like the sound of those odds, especially if they are against the very thing I have fought to keep alive," I finished looking at the kid softly.

"I'm sorry Tony, but I know what is better for the people of Queens, me, and Dr.Octopus. If that villain is away then we can all be happier. I'm sorry," he looked at me with big brown eyes while pulling his costume on while Bucky grabbed him making it slightly difficult. I knew what he was about to do.

"Peter don't you dare-" I started screaming but was cut off by the sound of Peter punching Bucky on his pressure point, Bucky was down for the count.

Peter flung towards the window and broke through the glass. I ran over to the window and saw him flinging towards the area where Dr. Octopus was, Queens.

"Oh god. Is he dead?" Loki asked from behind me looking at Bucky lying on the floor.

"Shut up Loki," I said as I ran over to an emergency button.

"Everyone Peter left heading towards Midtown Tech. We need to head him off and bring him back safely before Dr. Octopus can do anything to the kid, okay? Avengers Assemble in the living room now!" I practically screamed the last bit through the coms.

I grabbed Loki and started dragging Bucky to the living room. I looked at the window on last time only to see webs hanging loosely from buildings.

Why is he so much like me?


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