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“I think it’s time to move,” Aunty said.

“But why. I love it here,” I whined.

“You are in danger over here. Did you not understand what just happened to you? You were almost killed by a vampire. And not only that but that vampire probably was with a coven. If they found out that I killed that vampire because of you, they will start to track us. We have to move.”

“Ok,”I sighed.

“Good. Let’s start packing.” I ran up to my room and took out my suitcases out my bag. Is started with my clothes closet and pack everything into the biggest suitcase before I went to the bathroom. I took all of my toiletries and packed them into a much smaller bag. I went out of the bathroom and walked into my weapons closet. I packed all my weapons into their designated spots in my special luggage before I zipped the luggage up. I took the medium sized luggage and packed all my shoes in it. When I was done, I started taking the luggages down the stairs.

“The moving guys just took the furniture to Hoodsport,” Aunty said.

“So we’re moving to Washington state,” I said. Washington was perfect for training because it was surrounded by trees.

“Are you ready?” Aunty asked.

“Yes. Let me put my luggages in the car.” I put my luggages in the trunk while Aunty started up the car. When I was done, I went to the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt.

“Let’s roll.”

The Destiny of the HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now