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Two Years After Adofo Proposed

"I can't believe that I am getting married today." I squealed. The girls were helping me with my makeup, hair and putting on my dress. With all of them helping me, the result was jaw dropping.

 With all of them helping me, the result was jaw dropping

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Aunty walked into the room with the Luna. Tears started falling out of their eyes.

"You're so beautiful," they sniffled. Aunty pulled out a box and handed it to me.

"Open it," Aunty said. I opened it and I saw a beautiful necklace.

"It was passed down in our family. You mother was the last one to wear it." I hugged Aunty.

"Thank you so much. Can you put it on for me?" Aunty put the necklace on my neck. Alpha walked into the room. I asked him to walk me down the aisle because he was like a father figure to me.

"It's time," he said. Everyone left the room until it was just Alpha and me.

"You look very beautiful Kainda."

"Thank you Alpha." Alpha put my arm into his and we walked out the room. We stood outside the backyard waiting for the bride march to play. The song suddenly played and the doors opened. The girls really outdone themselves.

Alpha and I began to walk down the aisle

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Alpha and I began to walk down the aisle. We reached the priest and Adofo.

"Take good care of her son," Alpha said. Alpha gave my hand to Adofo and we turned to each other.

"Today we--"

"Can we skip all that to the end pastor," Adofo interrupted. Laughs erupted.

"Alright then. Do you, Adofo Jelani, take Kainda Folami to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Adofo put a ring on my ring finger.

"And do you, Kainda Folami, take Adofo Jelani to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I put a ring on Adofo's ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Adofo took me into his arms and kissed me deeply. Screams and catcalls erupted from the pack.

"Well, isn't this sweet." Everyone turned around and saw Alexander standing by the doors.

"What are you doing here?" Adofo growled. Alexander just stood there and smirked at us.

"I came to finish what I started," Alexander said. He threw a dagger towards me. He threw the dagger before anybody had time to react. The dagger hit me in the stomach and I collapsed. The last thing I saw was the pack tearing Alexander to pieces and Adofo picking me up.

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