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Two Days After Kainda Was Stabbed

     I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes.

    "Turn off the light," I said. I blinked and looked around. Adofo was standing next to me with the doctor.

    "What happened?" I asked. I tried to sit up but I felt pain on my stomach.

    "After getting married, Alexander came and he threw a dagger into your stomach," Adofo said. The memory of what happened suddenly flooded into my head.

    "Kainda there is something the doctor has to tell you," Adofo said. I looked at the doctor.

    "You are pregnant. Luckily, the babies did not get injured when you the dagger went into your stomach," the doctor said. I was shocked.

    "I'm pregnant. Wait, you said babies. That means--."

    "We're going to have twins," Adofo interrupted. Adofo hugged me. I started to cry.

    "Why are you crying?" Adofo asked. I wiped my tears.

    "I'm just so happy. I never thought that I would become a mother one day."

    "You are free to go Kainda. Just take it easy a little," the doctor said. Adofo helped me down the hospital bed.

    "Thank you for everything doc," I said.

    "No problem. I'm just doing my duty." Adofo and I left the infirmary. When we walked into the packhouse, Adofo called for a pack meeting. It took five minutes for everyone to gather in the lounge.

    Adofo took my hand and said, "Kaina and I have some news for everyone." He looked at me and I took that as my que to speak.

    "I'm pregnant and we are expecting twins. A boy and a girl." Everything was silent before everyone started to cheer. Pack members started coming up to us to congratulate us. After a few minutes everyone began to disperse until it was just Adofo's friends and my friend's.

    "So what are you guys going to name your babies?" Dakota asked.

    "Well, I was thinking we can name the girl Achor Jelani. I feel that she will be a troublemaker. You can name the boy Adofo," I said. Adofo smiled at me.

    "We should name the boy Malik Jelani because he will one day become king of this pack," Adofo said. The boys and girls liked the names.

    "So it's settled. Achor and Malik Jelani."

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