I'm Sorry I Hurt You...

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A/N: What if Todomatsu didn't pulled the trigger.

Everything that was going so well was now turned into madness and insanity.

Todomatsu was holding a gun and threatening to shoot them.

Just what the hell was going on?!

Choromatsu: Totty! What's gotten into you!

Todomatsu: I-I won't ask again! Which one of you is the monster!

Ichimatsu: What the hell are you talking about?!

Todomatsu: Don't play dumb. Ever wonder why the creature hasn't attacked us yet over the past few hours. So I begin to put two and two together that's when I realized...It could be one of you!

Ichimatsu sneered at him once again.

Ichimatsu: You got no proof.

Todomatsu: Oh, I have all the proof U need. Pretending to be one of us. Speaking in our voices. One of you is not who you say you are! Someone is the monster here! Other than Karamatsu Nii-san, I don't trust none of you.

Osomatsu felt like he needs to put a stop to this before one of them gets hurt.

Osomatsu: Todomatsu...Put the gun down.

Jyushimatsu: Totty... Please... Don't do this.

Todomatsu: No...No...I won't listen.

He was putting the gun at every single one of them, tears rolling down eyes but they have a crazed look in them.

Choromatsu: Todomatsu. We won't hurt you. We're your brothers. Really.

Osomatsu: Yeah buddy. You're our little brother. None of us is the monster...

Todomatsu went quiet.

Both Osomatsu and Choromatsu sighed in relief.

Osomatsu decided enough was enough. They were all losing their minds and trying to kill each other.

As a older brother, it's time he finally step up and do something about it.

So he started step by step.

Osomatsu: Totty...Guys...Listen...I'm sorry...

Todomatsu: ?!


Osomatsu: I...have to lot to be sorry about...Treating you guys like shit. Hurting your feelings, blaming you guys for what happened to Karamatsu when technically it's my fault too...

The younger brothers stayed silent as he continued.

Osomatsu: I admit it. I acted like an huge asshole ever since we got here. It's my fault were in this situation. So...As your older brother, I'm going to find a way to get us out of here...Alive.

Choromatsu: Nii-san...

Osomatsu: If you guys still hate me. That's fine. I don't blame you. I hate myself sometimes for being this way. I'm selfish, stubborn, lazy, and to top it all off that, an asshole who doesn't take things seriously. But no matter what. I love you guys and I want you to know that....Onii-chan is very sorry...

Osomatsu sighs as he felt a weight was lifted off his chest.

Osomatsu: Choromatsu...I shouldn't have called you out like that about not being responsible. Hell...Maybe you're right. You more better at this responsible thing than I am. You been under a lot of pressure of trying to things right...I never bothered to see that...I'm sorry...


Osomatsu: Ichimatsu...I'm didn't mean what I said earlier. I was just angry. I'm sorry. I don't want you to die or give yourself up. Before you tell me I'm lying just to make you feel better. Think for a second about how I actually felt. Now please... Don't beat  yourself up anymore. If Karamatsu was awake. He'll be sad if something were to happen to you...And don't try to hide it. We all know you care about him. But he needs to know that you do...


Osomatsu: Jyushimatsu...I didn't mean to hurt you. Sure you can be goddamn irritating. But when you smile...I guess I just feel a little jealous...Keep smiling for Onii-chan. Okay?

Jyushimatsu nods frantically. The smile was returning onto his face once again.

Osomatsu: And Totty...I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you... Especially when you needed me the most. Even though you always act like you don't need us. But remember... You're our younger brother. Sure, we annoyed you but that's what older brothers do...


Osomatsu: But remember this too...We'll always be here for you. Just tell us the truth a little more and we'll help you. Please... Don't lock us out anymore.

Todomatsu: Nii-san...

Todomatsu dropped the gun...

Todomatsu: (I can't believe it...What have I done...I tried to kill...What was I thinking...?)

Osomatsu:...So what do you guys say? Are we cool now?

His younger brothers looked at each other and nods.

Then they all gave each other a group hug and proceeding to cry in each other arms.

Choromatsu: -Crying- N-Nii-san...

Jyushimatsu: WE'RE SO SORRY!

Todomatsu: -Sobs- I'm sorry I tried to kill you guys! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't wanna be alone...

Ichimatsu: I... Don't really wanna die...I want to live...Besides the cats...You guys are only people I care about...

Osomatsu:...Even Karamatsu?

Ichimatsu: Yes...Even him...

Choromatsu: Speaking of Karamatsu Nii-san...Is he...? You know...

Osomatsu gave him a frown but shook his head.

Osomatsu: We're still not positivity sure until we get out of here. We need to escape that fucking creep out there.
Speaking of said creep. I think I found something about our little monster.

The other brothers stop crying and looked at him with questioning looks.

Choromatsu: What have you found out?


Osomatsu chuckles a bit and pulls out the book he read a couple of minutes ago.

Osomatsu: Alright Alright...Here's the thing.

He then got all serious. The Atmosphere in the cabin got all tense again.

Osomatsu: Have you guys ever heard of a skinwalker?

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