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Music blasted through Blake's speaker in his basement, causing him to jump and turn down the volume in a haste. We both liked the music loud, but not that loud. My heart thumped to the beat, and I allowed myself to get lost in the sound.

Blake was seated beside me on the couch, while JP sat across from us both. He bobbed his head to the music, his lips curling into a smile at me. I smiled back, feeling a lump in my throat at the sight of him. The three of us stayed downstairs, while Blake and I's parents were upstairs chattering away over a bottle of white wine. Despite their difference in beliefs, they got along fairly well.

JP was now dressed in a grey three button shirt without a collar, paired with some khaki pants. He looked incredible, and I wondered if he chose that outfit for any reason in particular. Realizing I was probably overthinking it, I turned to Blake. I figured then was as good of a time as any to talk about what JP and I discussed just hours prior.

"I told him," I said, tipping my head subtly in the direction of JP. Blake shot me a look that reeked of you bitches hung out without me?

Blake looked over at JP, then back at me. My purse was nearby, and in it contained the list still. I figured it was not fair of me to only show it to JP and not Blake, so I pulled my bag towards myself and fished out the piece of paper. Blake held his hand out, and I placed it in his large palm. He unfolded it, scanning the page in silence.

"How are we going to send a message?" Blake asked, handing the paper back to me.

"Not sure," I replied. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Nothing that isn't illegal," Blake joked, a pearly smile spread across his face.

"Perfect," JP added, chuckling. His laugh was sing song like. It was deep and smooth, making a shiver run through my spine.

Stop thinking about him like that.

Just then we were interrupted by my Mother sauntering into the room. I swiftly shoved the paper back down into my bag, managing a phony smile for her. She immediately looked at JP, and I mentally face palmed while praying she would keep her mouth shut. Blake and JP were equally as clueless to my secrets, and I wanted to keep it that way.

When I sent the group text to my parents earlier in the day, they both just replied okay. I felt relief wash over me when I looked down at my phone upon arriving home, and I was replaying that scene in my head when my Mother finally spoke.

"Is everybody doing good down here?" she questioned, shooting me a look that let me know we were most likely going to have a talk later.

"Yeah, great, Mrs. Bridges!" Blake exclaimed with joy, pleasing my Mother. She smiled brightly at him, coming over and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Again, my Mother peered over at JP, still not saying a word to him. She released her grip on Blake, and he looked grateful for that. Instead of exiting the room, she motioned for me to come upstairs with her. Thinking I was in for it, I stood up with my knees wobbling, following my Mom out of the room as JP and Blake looked on. Much to my surprise, I was not in trouble. Yet.

"Your sister is here, I want you to say hi," My Mother prompted, whisking me up the basement staircase and shooting me a disapproving glare when I groaned in response.

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