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Welcome back!


JP was perched on my bed in the same spot I left him when I returned to my room in my work uniform. He eyed me, a smile pulling at his pink lips which confused me since I was dressed in the blandest outfit imaginable.

Throwing my other clothes in my laundry basket, I turned back to find him still staring. He blinked, looking away finally and muttering a soft apology. Shaking my head, I approached him and took his hands.

"No need to be sorry," I said, pressing our lips together in sync. His hands moved down to my hips, and my heart raced in anticipation.

"You look beautiful, even if just a plain t-shirt and jeans," he boasted, bringing me closer to him by the hips.

"You're not so bad yourself," I replied, raising my eyebrows at him before colliding our lips a second time.

JP narrowed his eyes at me. "Not so bad, huh?" he lowered his hands to the back of my thighs and pulled me on top of him, curling my legs around his torso.

"Mm hmm," I hummed, my throat suddenly drier than usual. My heart continued to batter like a jackhammer, my eyes lingering JP.

His hair was tousled in slight waves, while his skin glowed with radiance. I found myself being jealous of his skin, wondering if he'd ever gotten a pimple in his life. Seeing no acne scarring or even bumps, I frowned. Guys who had clear skin even when using a thirteen in one body wash-shampoo-conditioner-face wash-toner-moisturizer-etc were the most unfair, and JP was no exception to that.

"How do you get your skin so clear?" I found myself asking, cupping his cheek in my hand and holding his olive toned skin taut to examine it some more.

"Genetics," JP remarked. "Now stop staring, it's not polite." he then made me let out a scream of surprise by standing up with me slung over his shoulder.

I pounded on his back, demanding that he put me down to no avail. Feeling the blood rush to my head, I protested again. "You're one to talk about being impolite! Put me down, I'm gonna pass out!"

Jay-Parker did not put me down, in fact, he carried me all the way down to the front door before finally lowering me off his shoulder. I was shocked at how composed he looked, wondering if I was simple to lift. He was easily a solid six inches taller than me, if not more. His arms were built, but not body builder built, more like bigger boned.

"Jackass," I insulted, grabbing my purse off the hook and draping it over my shoulder.

JP pouted his lip out, but I simply shook my head at him and opened the door. Once I did, I instantly noticed a piece of white paper taped to the door.

What the fuck?

I ripped it from the door forcefully, spreading it out as I read each word with care. My heart sunk at what it said, JP shadowing me as I cursed myself in silence.




"Holy shit," I breathed, crumpling up the paper so I would not be forced to look at it for another second.

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