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Is anyone out there? x


Amelia was nestled up in my arms on the couch, looking up at me every now and then just to make sure I was awake. When she did this a wave of guilt washed over me, worrying that she was afraid of me falling asleep after my nightmare.

Wrapping my arms even tighter around her frame, I brought her closer and placed a kiss on her lips. She blinked up at me, flashing a gentle smile. My lips met up with hers a second time, then moving to her jawline. I left a trail of airy kisses down to her neck, and Amelia buried her fingers in my hair at the feeling.

She sighed out with ease, bringing me closer and lowering her hands down to my waistline. Dragging her fingers along the top of my jeans, I groaned quietly against her mouth at the feeling. A loud noise was what finally broke us apart, Amelia sitting upright in a haste and adjusting her shirt. While combing her hair down, she got up onto her knees and peered out the window.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked, my voice husky from the moment we shared.

Amelia's eyes widened as she looked out the window, blinking rapidly at the sight. Turning to join her, my brows furrowed together at the sight of a man lingering across the street. He knocked over a trash can while trying to hide behind it, cueing the loud sound we both heard.

"Shit," Amelia cursed, standing up and grabbing my arm to take me with her. "JP, we gotta go upstairs."

"Who is that?" I demanded, tugging away slightly though I enjoyed the feeling of her hands wrapped around my bicep.

My mind was still in the gutter, so I shook my head to steer it straight. Amelia bit her lip, not wanting to answer my question. She looked extremely nervous, cursing under her breath.

"I-I'm gonna have a panic attack," she confessed, throwing herself backwards and into the wall. Clutching her chest, I took the opportunity to sneak another glance out the window. I pulled the curtains forward discreetly so he could not get a good look inside the house.

"Amel, we should call the police. He's some sort of stalker," I said, patting my pockets for my cell phone.

Still struggling to breathe, hot tears flowed down Amelia's rosy cheeks. My heart broke at the sight, bringing a single arm around her cautiously so she did not feel crowded. She luckily buried her face right into my side, feeling her salty tears soak my shirt. Not minding at all, I rubbed her back in small circles as I cooed.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay."

Once Amelia's breathing slowed by a great deal, she looked up at me with her lip jutted outwards. She looked defeated, and that made me want to go outside and show that guy who he was messing with. Clenching my jaw, I spoke in a low voice to Amelia.

"Can I kick his ass?"

"No!" Amelia yelled. "And you're not calling the cops either, those are the last people I need on my case right now..."

"What?" I asked, confused at her words.

This time not pulling back, Amelia led me up the stairs carefully and sat me down on her bed. She shut the door behind herself, walking to her window and closing those curtains as well. When she joined me on the bed, I realized she was trembling.

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