Chapter 1

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Nico's POV

I woke up feeling crappy. I was tired, my face was still wet from the tears. I didn't sleep well. I couldn't. I rolled out of bed and walked straight to the bathroom. My reflection was disgusting. My black hair hung lank around my very pale face. Almost translucent skin. My almost-black eyes were rimmed red with giant black bags under them. My nose was tinged red. My pale pink lips were curled down. That wasn't new. I was thin. I was frail. I was weak.

I don't belong.

Last night all I could think of was Percy. I hated him so much and loved him too much. If this is what Hades' children are then life must suck for them. For me. I was homosexual, my biggest fear. No one knew except for Jason and he had kept it a secret. It was decent. Well, as decent as you can get nowdays.

On my way out, I picked up my jacket and sword. I couldn't go anywhere without those. That jacket had been a gift from...From Bianca. And my sword well, which demigod is stupid enough to leave without it. My dark cabin might be all for me but some people in camp were jerks.

I walked straight to the pavillion. Leo, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper and Annabeth were seated there. I took my place at the top, alone. I didn't have any food. The rest ate silently without acknowledging me. Hazel gave me a welcome smile and Jason nodded but that was it. Annabeth met my eyes but looked away in a second.

Finally Annabeth cleared her throat, "His funeral will be today. Chiron's organised it. It's going to be on the beach, near his cabin."

Her voice cracked. As much as I disliked her, I felt sorry for her. I knew how she felt even though I probably felt worse. She buried her face in her hands. Piper put an arm around her.

"Annabeth," she sighed, "It's hard for all of us but please at least talk about it. It'll make you feel better."

I stood up and walked away, I couldn't take any of this.

I ran back into the forest. I couldn't just let him go without saying goodbye! I blew out my cheeks and summoned his spirit. As I opened my eyes, he stood in front, surprised.

"You?" Percy asked.

"Yeah," I said meeting his eyes, "But not for long."

He stared down at his shimmering, transparent form.

"You know," he said, "I didn't actually think I was going to die!"

"Yeah," I smirked, "I wouldn't be surprised."

"How is everyone?" He asked.

"It's been 2 days!" I cried, "How do you think!"

He stepped back and his expression became sad.

"I'm sorry," he murmured and I looked up.

"What for?" I asked confused, I should be sorry not him!

"For Bianca," that word left a sour taste in my mouth, "And for making you hate me, I guess."

I stared at him, "I don't hate you!"

He frowned, "I thought..."

"Of course you thought!" I snapped, my anger rising, "You're stupid!"

He looked taken aback and it made me angrier, "Why would you make a promise to someone you hate!"

"Oh," he said, looking sad, "I guess you led the team to the doors for Anna-"

I didn't want to hear him say that name, "IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER!"

He looked sympathetic for me and I felt like strangling him. I didn't need his fucking sympathy!

"I made the promise to you not her! I don't hate you! I hate myself for not hating you in that way! Even after Bianca died I still.."

"I don't understand," he whispered.

"What's the opposite of hate, Jackson!" I hissed.

"Love," Percy stared confused, god he is a seaweed brain!

Realisation dawned on his face, "Oh."

Well done genius.

"Seriously? All I get is a pathetic 'Oh'?"

"I don't-"

"It doesn't matter! My secret was out one way or another!"

Moments of silence.

"How's Annabeth?"

I was furious now. I come here and try to talk to him and all he cares about is Annabeth! I'm so dumb for trying!


I sank to my knees, crying, this pain was unbearable. The ground began to reseal itself.

"No one would miss me, a son of Hades. Yes, they would be sad but they would move on."

I looked up to see his shocked face.

"But there's no moving on from you, Percy Jackson."

I felt a cold breeze on my chin and I lifted my head to see Percy reaching his ghostly hand towards me.

"Nico," he said, "I'm sorry. I truly am. But I decided not to let hr kill you on purpose. I gave you a second chance at life. Use it well."

"One more question," I said, "Will you choose rebirth or Esylium?"

"I won't chose rebirth," Percy said, "I'd like for you to come visit."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I started to feel lighter.

His image flickered, "Nico, what-"

"I can't hold you here for much longer," I explained.

"Tell my mom I love her and that I'm sorry," Percy said, "And tell Annabeth..."

His image faded.

I walked back to camp. Annabeth was in the front, writing on a clipboard. I walked straight to her.

"Do you think it would have been better if it had been me?" I asked her and she looked up but didn't turn around.


"Do you blame me?"

My voice was almost a whisper. I looked up at her to see her reaction. She was good at masking it.

"Look, Nico," she said, "Of course not. And I'm kinda busy so I can't talk."

She didn't meet my eyes, she did blame me.

"And besides,"she said, "Blaming you won't bring him back."

She walked away.

Something clicked in my head. Bring him back. Bring.him.back! Percy wasn't choosing rebirth so I could do it! Do bring a soul back from the Underworld, you need to exchange it with someone who has cheated!

I started running towards but I bumped into someone.

"Hey Nico," Jason said, "What are you doing?"

"Erm..." Should I tell him... "Look, I have a plan..."

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