part five// real life

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'Oh my god!' Rosie whispered.
'What? Why are you whispering?' Lucie questioned.
'Don't look now but Tom freaking Holland is sitting on the table across from us!!' Rosie answered.
'No way!' Gabbie squealed, turning to look at him.
'Who?' Lucie asked.
'You're kidding! He's Spider-Man!' Rosie whispered.
'I soooo want an autograph' Gabbie whined.
'I'll go ask him for you guys. Have you got some paper and pens?' Lucie asked.
'Better. I have pictures of him' Gabbie giggled.
'You're obsessed' Lucie whispered.

Lucie grabbed the pictures and the sharpie. She made her way over to Tom's table and stood awkwardly beside it.

'Umm...hi' She mumbled.
Tom looked up from his phone and saw a beautiful girl with deep brown eyes.
'Hi' He smiled
'I'm so sorry to disturb you but my friends are huge fans of yours. They were wondering if they could have your autograph?' She stated.
Tom looked past the girl at her friends who were gleaming at him.
'Sure. What are their names?' He giggled.
'Rosie and Gabbie. Gabbie with a double B and an IE' She replied.

Tom signed the girls' pictures and gave them to Lucie.

'So you're not really a fan?' He asked.
'I'm sorry, I'm not really into Marvel' she admitted.
'I'm hurt! Do you want to sit?' He asked.
'I'm really sorry but we have to meet our boyfriends. They're bringing our furniture to our new place' She said.
'That's ok. Where have you moved from?' He wondered.
'A small town called Riverdale. We're going to college here' She replied.
'Anyway it was great to meet you, and thanks for the autographs' She added.
'It was great to meet you too...' He said.
'Oh! Lucie. Lucie Jones' She smiled.
'Great to meet you Lucie' He stated.

Lucie walked away from the table to her friends. They started squealing when she handed them the autographs. She turned back at Tom and mouthed 'Thank you'. He smiled back.

He watched her leave the coffee shop and get into a yellow cab. As his eyes drifted off them, he saw a phone on the table they were sitting at. It was in Lucie's place. He ran over a picked it up. Tom looked out into the window but the cab had gone.

He decided he had to find her.

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