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<new message from 'ryland'>

ryland; shane...

ryland; sorry i wasn't responding before...

shane; it's fine babty

shane; i know what your here to tell me..

ryland; you do..?

shane; yeah..

ryland; i don't want to leave you.. i don't really have a choice

shane; it's okay ryland

shane; we can just be friends again...right?

ryland; we are far past just friends...

shane; but you have to break up with me..

ryland; i don't want to! this is all garrett's fault!!

shane; ryland...don't get upset

ryland; it's fucking his fault

ryland; he better not come in my house because if he does i'm slapping the shit out of him

shane; calm down ryland!

ryland; how can i calm down!?

ryland; i'm mad at myself

shane; you regret it..

ryland; no i don't fucking regret it!

shane; then why are you being hard on yourself?

shane; it's all my fault

shane; now i lost my babty because of this

ryland; shut up you didn't fucking lose me

shane; i basically did

ryland; don't say that shit shane

shane; i'm never going to be able to be with you ...

ryland; stop it..

ryland; stop saying these things!

shane; i'm sorry ryland..

shane; you have to listen to your parents.

shane; so ...

ryland; no shane don't do it

shane; ry.. i'm breaking up with you..


ahhhh this was emotional reck for me to write

-jay :)

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