Author's Note

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I've had the characters Justin, Tara, and some others in my head for quite a while. I didn't know what to do with them until I came across a writing prompt. It prompted me to write a story involving a vampire, a ring, and a fear of spiders. I thought this was a genius idea and I got to work right away.

There also will be characters from King's Court in this story. I will not reveal who, but you are always welcome to guess.

You know the Marvel Cinematic Universe? They have the Avengers franchise and Infinity War featured almost all of the Marvel heroes from the movies. I thought it was a cool idea and thought I could do the same.

Now you're probably wondering, King's Court is a realistic fiction story about basketball. How can the characters be involved in a story about vampires? Good question.

In this universe, I am God and I have a power called "Author's Prerogative". This enables me to do whatever I want with my universe that is within reason.

You know how Guardians of the Galaxy was set in outer space? You know how they were involved in Infinity War? Same idea here.

I hope you stick around for the ride and if you haven't read King's Court, that's okay! This can be read as a standalone novel.

Signing off, Mia Mircada

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