Chapter 9: DETOUR

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"Stop!" Justin cried. It was raining cats and dogs and the windshield wipers were working over time. He could hear the raindrops pitter-pattering against the windows.

"What?! Why?!" Daniella cried over all the noise.

"Just do as I say!"

"Alright," Daniella parked the car towards the side of the road. Justin hastily got out of the car and saw an unconscious boy with a bloody neck lying on the grass.

"Daniella! We need to take him to the hospital right now!" Justin hollered.

"We can't! We've gotta follow the road," Daniella raised her eyebrows. There was only one road, so at that moment, there was no need for a GPS or something like that.

"His neck's bloody! We need to get him to the ER,"

"Alright," Daniella sighed as Justin placed the boy in the backseat of the car.


Once the duo got to the pristine white hospital, they helped the hospital staff put the boy on a cot and wheel him into the ER. The nurse bombarded the two with questions and Justin was quick to answer them all.

"Watch over him," the nurse said once she was done questioning Justin.

"Alright," Justin nodded as the nurse left. He heard a groan beside him. The boy was stirring.

"Wait a sec..." Daniella took a closer look at the boy. His sandy blonde hair was probably tamed with hair gel from the looks of it. "Cory?"

"Dani...? Where am I?" the boy weakly whispered.

"You're in the hospital. Justin here found you unconscious on the side of the road and took you here," Daniella gestured to Justin, who awkwardly waved.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Justin interjected.

"I was a man. As I was walking home, I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around and told the guy to go away. Only...he wasn't there. Then, before I knew, I was bitten. I have fang marks on my skin," Cory pointed to the bloody wound, which had fang marks around it. Justin picked up his phone, dialed Lux's number, and put it on speakerphone.

"Yo, Justin. What's up?" Lux's voice boomed through the phone.

"Daniella and I are at a hospital. We found this guy named Cory on the side of the road and took him to the hospital. He's bleeding and there are fang marks around the wound. Cory claims he was bitten by a man," Justin explained in a hurry.

"A man?"

"Cory, do you remember what the man looked like?"

"He had smooth white hair. That's all I remember. Oh, and fangs too," Cory answered.

"That's gotta be the work of a vampire. According to my book, you should wash the wound with soap and water. Then, cover it with a garlic-stained rag. Wait for the nurse for further instructions." Lux explained.

"Gotcha. Thanks, man," Justin said before hanging up. "You heard that, Dani, right?"

"I got it," Daniella was cleaning the vampire bite with soap and water.

"How do you know Cory, by the way?"

"We go to Kingsley together. When I was a sophomore, she helped the JV Boys Basketball team get our mean coach fired. She's also Hunter's neighbor,"

"Hunter..." Justin mumbled under his breath. He completely forgot Hunter was taken captive. He wondered about his fate. Daniella showed him a video of him drinking that weird red mixture, but that was it. He couldn't help but wonder where he was, what he was doing. He hoped he was alright.

"You okay?" Cory questioned. This snapped Justin out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. Hunter actually did get captured by an unknown person,"

"I heard."

"Do you know anything about the vampire who bit you?"

"It's dangerous to go out with a vampire on the loose. Both of you, wear this around your necks," Cory reached into his pocket and handed Daniella and Justin each a cross. The nurse arrived. "I forgot to wear mine. Stupid me,"

"I'll take care of things from here. Thanks, you two," the nurse nodded as Daniella and Justin exited the hospital.


"Why would a vampire attack Cory?" Justin asked once they were on the road.

"I don't know," Daniella shook her head.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Justin felt a shiver down his spine. He didn't know why Bridget, Camilla, Hunter, or Cory were targeted, but he feared the worst. He didn't know it then, but he would find out that he was right.


Author's Note: What does Justin fear? Why were Bridget, Camilla, Hunter, and Cory targeted? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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